
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Immune System

Why is it that some people "sick" and some do not??  The ones who do not get sick are lucky I bet--thats what it has to be!!  Or I bet it is the "lucky" ones got the opportunity to get the "shot", thats it!!

With all the "buzz" over the Pig Flu--holy cow, did you ever think that PETA might get angry soon--how offensive is it to these poor animals--to have a disease named after them--the Bird Flu, Mad Cow Disease and now the Pig Flu--just watch they will get involved!!

Back to the lucky ones--how about that sickness maybe only "gets" a weakened tissue, example--did you ever see bugs/sorry--maggots on a bird that has "just" fallen from the sky or do the attack weakened tissue??  With this simple theory in mind--disease affects a weakened host--so how about keeping the host strong??!!  But wait there is NO MONEY in keeping one healthy-strong-vital!!

Well lets do it anyhow--why not keep the host strong--and then enjoy life form a vitalistic aspect--hey thats Chiropractic--you live your life thru your nerve system!!  By regular checks with your Doctor of Chiropractic your body is able to stay focused on the host--do it today!!  And then PETA can't get mad at us!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post Birthday

The past was presented by Reggie Gold, DC--one of the pioneers in this great profession of Chiropractic!!  And he got inside the purpose of Innate, which is the "thing" that keeps ONE in balance, the essence of Life.  Something that everyone, no matter what your health philosophy is--what is that "thing" that keeps you balanced.  And when we alter the body chemistry, if via the alteration of that normal flow of nerves and their relationship to the brain/body or if it is by adding chemistry to your body, the essence of life is altered and out of balance.  The most practical way is to keep the body chemistry in a state balance as Innate knows--so way add a foreign chemical to the body??  As I spent the evenings watching the "need" for new chemistry for the Pig Flu--why not keep the immune system at its higher state??  

Give me one reason why we should add chemistry, alter the normal flow, and not expect it to throw the rest of the body chemistry off, without consequences and NOT expect a uneventful outcome--Please just one reason!!

With passion for humanity!!

Dr. Lyle