
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ya gotta be kidding me!!

So Friday I am adjusting one of our great practice members, previously she had asked me about going to a Physical Therapist to help her with her flexibility to expedite her recovery process--my reply was "cool--along with what we are doing by removing the subluxation and allowing your body to communicate better, some added flexibility will help you!!"

So with that comment in mind she went to a pt--and sorry, this was the morons reply--yep I said moron, because that is not what I really wanted to call mark the pt, and yes I meant to type his "profession" small because that is how this niwit thought--he told her that she needed to quit Chiropractic because what he was doing and what we were doing was going to work against each other--right--obviously this horses a** has no clue what he does, what we do and what the body does--for gosh sakes did this dude go to school, does he really understand what he does?? However this happens alot--which is very disturbing, I hear this so often, when one of our practice members is receiving care from another health care provider (hurts me to type that!!!), and they share with them they are going to a Chiropractor too--and right away they say, "oh, you had better quit, it will contradict (they don't say that word--the other health provider that is, because to big of word for them), what "we are doing"

So--why does this happen, simple small itty bitty mind, who does not have the practice member health and well being in mind, they have their own interest in mind!! Selfish-selfish-selfish--get over yourself, care for these people, because that is why you do what you do!!

So Chiropractors, lets step up for humanity--because we are the only ones that seem to really care, you see other health professions are so afraid of what might be coming around the corner with the sweeping changes, they have focused just on themselves and have quit caring for humans--which is why after twenty plus years I am pushing to elevate humanity--and I WILL!!