
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Crisis Care is Government Approved!!

Well like it or not the US Senate and House of approved "Crisis Care" reform--and it will be paid for by "we" the people--not going to get into my political viewpoint on this--but rather feel I need to put a more positive spin on this--cause it is going to need it!!

So here goes or I will try--what has based is a version of Crisis Care--it has now been approved by those that "know best" that our poor lifestyle choices that result in the genetic adaptation of poor health choices is okay--it is a new way to pay for deteriorating lifestyle choices!!  Don't like and don't approve of--so, as my office rule is if you have a gripe have solution, here is my solution!!

It is time to make better--healthier lifestyle choices--so our genes can adapt to a healthy response, pretty simple isn't it!!

We are going to make this a 4 or 5 step process here--throughout this blog because we have, as a society accepted poor choices--stat, 67% of America is overweight!!!

Step One (a two part step)--contact our office, and ask for your packet on "Make 'Em, Keep 'Em" and go out and purchase the best seller by Eric Plasker, The 100 Year Lifestyle Workout.  

Our focus is too get your E-S-S in shape, clean it up--we are going to focus on your Endurance-Strength-Structure.  Because here is what is going to happen--when the facts come in that We the People cannot continue pay for poor lifestyle choices, what do you suppose will happen.

We are going to work on transitioning you from Crisis Care/Choices to Lifestyle Care/Choices--let's do it and grow healthy!!

My best to all of you!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Might rub ya a bit!!

So I have had the opportunity to be a part of the TRUE health care society for enough time to see a variety of "things." You wonder why I call it TRUE health care, simple--what the "experts" deem as healthcare is an oxymoron--what we have is a crisis care society--and it has to change, but first some insights and numbers for you.

Here is what drives me nuts--you know the oath-"do no harm," and the whole honesty thing--gotta tell you what I hear way too frequently just hacks me off. Here is the classic scenario: a practice member comes to our office requesting "HEALTH" care, because they are sick and tired of taking drugs. Along the way or even prior they ask an allopath [the one that i refer to as the oxymoron] who then tells them--"oh don't go to the Chiropractor, they won't help you or I don't recommend it," and then--"here is some better drugs."

SO--a couple of issues with that, how is that addressing the cause of the problem, how will it improve their true overall picture of health, if they need the "better" drugs to start with-why didn't you start off with those drugs initially (hmm--can I see a path of EGO and MONEY here!!!) and where are the SCIENTIFIC trials of safety/effectiveness of those drugs--cause ya know that is their "BIG" thing!! You see, what it truly comes down to is poor self-esteem and the pure lack of truly caring for that human being. It comes down to what is good for them, not for the practice member--MONEY and EGO!!

Also, kind of makes you wonder--isn't it a little sadistic, you have someone who is suffering, oh wait lets prescribe more toxins and see what happens to them--hmmm think there is a bigger picture here!!

Okay the numbers--according to the CDC: out of 191 countries, that's right 191 countries, the USA ranks 29th in infant mortality, according to the WHO (World Health Organization) and is the worst in preventable, thats right, PREVENTABLE deaths out of 19 industrialized nations. Back to the 191 countries--the USA ranks 37th in the present health system, HEALTHY life expectany (wonder what a unhealthy life expectancy is) the USA ranks 24th, and in Health Performance the ranking is 72nd!!! The cool thing about this is the USA/Allopath/Medical system does have one ranking that is number 1---Health Expenditure!!

Comes down to this--it has to change!! And I am taking the responsibility to help lead the revolution of a new and better health care system, ya wanna help??