
Monday, May 31, 2010

Stand for What YOU believe in...

A braintrust, dear friend and fellow Chiropractor told me about a year ago, when I was on one of my rants about allopathy and their lack of respect for humanity told me....stand three times stronger for what you believe and let it all sort out, and I am working at it.  Almost said I am trying, but try means that you are just not committed to doing it, and the only thing you do effectively by trying is sleeping!
It is my feeling  that you should fight for your own principles, you should have a code of ethics...a vision...values that you will stick your feet in the ground and you will not budge.  Called having courage.  Sometimes when you do the "right thing" it creates that "unpopularity that the uncourageous or the weanies will not like, example...sending letters to you that do not have a signature or return address or posting a response without using their name or email....hmm examples that I will address later. Stand strong for right is right and moral!!!
But you have to have the courage to take a stand, without flinching or retreating even when it is unpopular and NOT flinch...obviously I am talking here when that courage is of HIGH MORAL VALUE and is a massive WIN for humanity!!!!  Moral courage will challenge that risk on your principles, don't ever lose your principles, as they are your authentic blueprint of WHO you are on the inside.  So take a stand and hold strong on your values and principles and don't fold.
Where I am going with this...I love this profession of ChiropracTIC so strong that I will take a stand for what IT is.  The IT is what it is all about, what is YOUR IT.  IT is your line in the sand, where do you draw.  The IT to me is what allows humanity to live the lifestyle of THEIR dreams, to allow humanity to live a lifestyle to their full potential.  For some reason we have grown to believe that adding chemistry to the body makes it run body, "BS," now before the panic hits (on both sides) there are times that allopathic intervention is required, but at the rate that we are going, enuf...better life through better chemisty, that model is well, STUPID.  Do you really believe that AMERICAN home sapiens were genetically made as we evolved to need for narcotics, let's think back to our great-grandparents, they did NOT require the mass amount of "new and improved drugs" as they aged, but today we do...if we continue down this path can you imagine the amount that "the experts" will say we "need!" Time to change and change fast, this new generation of kids, for the first time, have a lower life expectancy than their's and dad's here is your line in the sand.
I firmly believe that the ChiropracTIC adjustment does things beyond what we can even fathom on what is  occuring in the body...and that you are sooo better off with and adjustment than without one.  Not just for the aspect of pain, what I mean is you do NOT have to have "pain" to get adjusted...what we do is utilize the Insight Subluxation Station to measure the FUNCTION of the body, if there is evidence of a subluxation, not just pain, then an adjustment should be performed to allow the body to adapt better to it's external environment.
But if we do not address the stress factors that the body is being exposed too and reduce or eliminate them, well the subluxations will continue and evolve, to what I do not KNOW???  It is our responsibility as DOCTORS  of ChiropracTIC to educated the practice member on the LIFE, because part of the DOCTOR "title" is to educate, NOT dictate (leave that to the allopaths) on what is going on with the practice members lead them to a better lifestyle.  If ALL (and for those who wish to blow a gasket...I mean this in the manner that there is MORE to do for our practice members and relax) we are doing is getting a person out of pain...and when that pain factor sets in, it does feel good, but there is more, if we do NOT address the incorrect lifestyle choices, won't the subluxation return??  Should you not break the pattern of poor lifestyle choices to improve life, after all isn't that what ChiropracTIC is all about?
Our office is proud to be affiliated with an organization that our practice members can contact to be their Wellness Coach, to allow them, at their own lesiure contact someone who is engaged in positive lifestyle choices, to increase the lasting results of the Spinal Adjustment...believe it or not I received a letter with a non-return, NOT signed by a local Chiropactor...sadly I know who it is cause I recognize his handwriting mocking our office for taking that next step....saying that what we do is BS. see I stand strong for what I believe, that in addition to delivering a Spinal Adjustment that my practice members
 deserve more and it is MY belief that we should coach them to better lifestyle choices, so we created an alliance with a organization that Coaches people to that...and WE proudly endorse that with our signature, we are NOT afraid post our name it.
You see some in the public are actually more afraid of their own limitations and to make an excuse for that limitation they knock down those who BELIEVE in what they are doing, you know an excuse that you give is a lie that you believe is true.  Or as Zig Ziglar says and excuse is only made to please are you happy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's as Simple as That...

The body is a self regulating, self maintaining organism that is in complete control of the master control..THE NERVE SYSTEM!!!  If the nerve system is interfered with the bodies ability to regulate and maintain, well pretty simple does not occur efficiently, it's as simple as that!!!
But here is what is scary, the masses do not understand the simple foundation of how our bodies tend to break down or start to function to less than 100%, and we just accept the fact that it is "supposed" to happen.  And when this "supposed" to happen, happens, the answer comes in some form of narcotics...another motion, lotion or potion...yep that's it the answer to good health is like rubbing the a bottle and out she pops when the answer to health..just like in the old tv show "I Dream of Jeannie." 
Never mind the fact that MEDICAL ERRORS rank right up there with the best for DEATH in this country!!!  And this is avoidable. In addition it has been stated that 90% of the "sick" care dollar is spent in the last 6 months of your life, for CHRONIC diseases...these are diseases that are avoidable, and the same diseases that humanity has had narcotics shoved down their throat for!!! is estimated that by 2o5o sick care will cost 5 TRILLION dollars in this country...this all can be reduced and for the most part avoided!
I heard Dr. Reikmann state that 83% of Chiropractors refer to allopaths, i.e., they refer their practice members to them for care, but only 17% of allopaths will refer to CHIROPRACTORS.  Wonder why that is...freakin ego, that's what it is.  In my 20+ years in practice I hear it daily,"my medical doctor doesn't think I should be here, or he doesn't believe in you (same dorks that give their belief in chemicals versus the bodies outstanding potential) or I have tried everything but my medical doctor won't send me to you."  Comes down to ego, not what is right for the see the body always knows what to do, we just have to hear what it is telling us...and the time is TODAY!!!
This is how cool the body is...have you ever forgot anything, you know you go to store and on your way home you realize that you forgot something or you have to make a list...happens to all of us.  But here is what is soooo cool...the body does NOT forget, it always knows what to do.  Imagine if your body forgot to say, filter your blood at the right time or the brain decided not to send that impulse to the rest of the body to tell it what to do at that precise doesn't, the body always knows.  WHY???
Innate intelligence, that's why...we were born to BE healthy and function fully, we were NOT born to require the assistance of narcotics or the removal of organs as we age, unlike what America allopathy thinks...or that our nations youth need more stinking drugs in their beautiful little bodies!!!
What creates our body not to work "right?"  Our poor lifestyles..pretty simple.  We induce such physical, chemical and emotional stressors on our bodies, that they have to adapt in a way to protect us, they have to adapt...that adaptive process, that WE as Doctors of Life/Health look for is callled the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
Here is a simple way to look at it...we have a refrigerator full of food, we overload the circuit that the frig plugs into, it BLOWS!!!    We keep tripping the breaker or in worst case scenarios we don't know until we open it up and smell stinky food!!
What do you do, I know add more chemicals to the outlet, no remove the outlet and say heck with it!!  No, I got it, just put new food in...none of this works does it...that's called the medical is failing and it costs a ton of cash!!! Bad idea!!
Why not find out why it is blowing...remove that stressor, maintain that circuit, monitor the frig, it's temperature...wouldn't that be more cost effective...that's called Chiropractic!!! 
A subluxation is a disturbance in your nerve system, the same nerve system that regulates the human body, the first system developed in you as you are "growing" in mom's tummy, the only system encased FULLY in bone and last system to get checked..well no more!!
I am challenging everyone to get their nerve system checked, make sure it is functioning to IT'S full ability, and if not find out why and get it taken care of!!  Because if the subluxation were not corrected what do you think will happen to your health 5 years from now..10 years from now or more??  I don't like chances when I know there is a solution..remember the body never forgets, it knows what to do and the body is controlled by the nerve system...not BIG PHARMA!!
It's as simple as that....