
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chemisty Lesson

A couple of "principles" to start out..."The Major Premise,"  A Universal Intelligence is in ALL matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence(Principle One).  What does this mean?  Pretty simple, in all matter, living for that much there exists "that something" which allows "it" to function and maintain its living presence...for example a non-living person cannot heal, regenerate tissue, but if a living human does cut themselves it heals.  In addition you do not have to go to Target to purchase the items to "heal" it will do it, INNATELY.
Hmmm...that word INNATE?  What in the world is this, another one of those goofy words that those really smart real doctors turn their nose to.  Or does this word have meaning?  Going back to the first paragraph and just some plain common sense, there is "something" that exists in all living creatures that maintains its existence(Principle 27).  With that in mind, wouldn't it make sense that when man was created or evolved, regardless, we were to maintain our existence and not rely on computers or pharmacies?
That INNATE is "always normal and its function is always normal."  Makes sense to me!!  I would be very willing to debate with anyone that we were put here to BE anything other than normal...there is no other reason NOT to be...unless of course you are BIG PHARMA!!!  Normal to them is MORE drugs!!
Which leads me to this.  As I was preparing for our upcoming talk on the flu..."Flies Don't Cause" garbage and in the process listening to the great Reggie Gold, DC, got to thinking about Chemistry!!!
The human body is a massive Chemical Reaction..MASSIVE.  The process of daily events, whether good or bad, are continually requiring the body to create Chemical reactions to maintain its existence (Principle 1) and in the continuum of this process this "intelligence" is always striving for normal, its function is always normal (Principle 27), which means it is always in the process to create that perfect environment for the body...with Chemistry in YOU.
So why in the world does BIG PHARMA think they are smarter than the body...and why do "they" think that the body in a state of distress...weakness...NEED a synthetic chemistry?  Wouldn't it make more sense to find out why the body is in a state of distress...create a return to normality FIRST.  But nope, for the sake of the pocket book and the health of YOU and your children's health (epigenetics..remember that word cause in the future I will address this) they want to dump chemicals into the body right away, and then when Principle 27 occurs as a result of this, more chemistry, then more chemistry, etc!!!  You see, after you add the first insult (drugs) innate will try to balance out, and the cycle occurs...if we trust what the body is trying to tell you...amazing events will happen.
Which leads me to another observation...this yearly scare of..."GET YOUR FLU SHOT OR ELSE...DOOM AND GLOOM...YOU KNOW CONSEQUENCE CARE!!" First of all, we have everything inside of us to create normal...see previous paragraphs!!!  And when do you see a bird drop out of the sky full of maggots (sorry)...nope you only see them on diseased/dead tissue.  Or as Dr. Donka would say flies don't cause garbage, the flies are there for a reason, get rid of the crud!!!
Here are a couple of really neat chemicals that the "smart ones" throw into the vaccines which are injected into your body...Squalene and Thimerosal.  First Squalene, NOT FDA approved for use in ANY vaccines, but was used in the Anthrax vaccine given to US servicemen and women in the Gulf War.  Thimerosal, a mercury derivative and known neurotoxin that negatively impacts the Central Nerve System, is very hard on the kidneys and causes many known birth defects.
Here is some advice...prior to dumping this into your body, ask the dumper to describe everything that is in the cocktail they are going to serve you or the pill you get to ingest, if they don't know and they don't know the direct effects (not side, because you only get them if you take it) then they should not be giving it to you!!!
So here is something crazy, why not give YOUR attention to keeping the host healthy by maintaining healthy lifestyles and keeping the brain/body function (the nerve system) functioning to its optimal?  Think of the possibilities!!!