
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just BE fair

So for those who don't know, I enjoy sports...Basketball and Football!!!  Last night I watched the Texas A&M and Nebraska football game, and yes we were cheering for Nebraska!!!  Here is what I observed during the game and post game...during the game, and not being biased here, cause I do love my Horns...but the "calls" of the game were not going the way you would want.  I am not saying that none of the penalties called should have been made, as there were miscues by Nebraska, however I did observe it was not fair.
I will give a lot of credit to the kids playing, they kept playing and not showing a tremendous amount of frustration, for that I am impressed.  What I did observe was the coaching staff expressing an extreme amount of displeasure, during the game and post game.  And the media after the game and the next day were very critical of the staff.
Well here is my take, I was not.  What the coaching staff was expressing was their passion for "what was right," as the kids were their to follow the rules and listen to those "who knew better," and just kept accepting what the rule makers were doing.  However, the coaching staff felt the rules were not fair and they were very willing to express that, as they were standing up for their "kids."  Good for I would want the same and will DO the same for my "kids," you the practice member!!  I 100% support what the coaching staff did, even though it " was not correct," but someone has to be willing to stick their neck out, or the takers will take more!!!
We do the same for YOU at Koca Chiropractic Clinic...myself, Dr. Francoeur, Shawn, Blaike, Alison and Krystal...we just want "IT" to be fair.  Cause our focus is YOU getting what is "right in the world," not what is right for someone else...just play by the "real" rules, not the rules that are made up for the benefit of someone else!!!
This past week here is just a couple of observations...had a practice member last Monday tell me that a physical therapist tell him that by going to a Doctor of Chiropractic and getting "manipulated" (we adjust, moron doesn't even know what we do), that it will cause the ligaments to stretch...really you dipstick!!! I mean really, how is that possible...let me see, what do you do, oh wait you actively and passively stretch the joint and YOU DO ATTEMPT to do what we do...but yet you have the gall to say that!!! Was that for your benefit or the practice members...this statement from the same dink that just recently the physical terrothy (yes I meant that) tried to get licensed to do what we do...and lost!!!  Really just play fair...we refer to this profession, as they provide a benefit, but we do NOT do what do, nor attempt...cause our focus is YOUR health!!
Then Tuesday morning I was in the St. Louis airport coming back from a speaking engagement, and I committed a sin...I read the newspaper, the USA Today.  Prior to reading this I was sitting by a young lady who worked for a business that worked to improve hospitals, so of course she knew everything about the Chiropractic profession...just ask her, cause well she did, cause she worked for the medical profession!!! As I was sitting there the front page of the USA today had an article that had a study in which 15,000 Medicare patients DIE in the hospital per MONTH due to errors!!!  LET ME EXPLAIN AGAIN 15,000 per month!!! And this is the real kicker, they called them ADVERSE EVENTS..cannot even say what they are, its called murder by mistake!!!
So naturally I asked the smart person what she felt about this, she stated I didn't understand, of course it was simple to me, an error made cost someone their grandparent.  Of course this hits home with me, because my wife does not have her father here because of a medical error, not an adverse event.  The only adverse event is the the morons that committed this atrocity still have their license!!!
So here is what I ask, play fair, play by the a practice member of ours, ask questions!!  For that much ask questions of ALL of your health care providers, if they don't know or won't find out...find a different one.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you and participate in your health.  Thank you very much.
Blessed to BE a part of your life.