
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Keep it REALly YOU....

Without a doubt one of my biggest pet peeves is when one tries to BE what they are not or say/do one thing, but in all reality they are BEing another when one is not seeing.  As Ayn Rand would say, that is a contradiction, and contradictions lead to destruction.
Examples in Chiropractic:  A few weeks ago I attended a seminar, and it is sad to see the direction of my beloved profession going NOT where DD (the founder of ChiropracTIC) wanted it to go.  And to follow up with that, as I drive around towns and see the windows and ads of ChiroPOSERS that say EVERYTHING but CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS in their message...really!!!  Come on, be proud, enjoy what you do, play big at what YOU do...HONOR what the 683 who were imprisoned for you to do.
Example...I know of a ChiroPOSER in my home town that claims to "be" a principled Chiropractor...that means they adjust and avoid the other stuff...massage, accupuncture and foot baths...but they have run ads for foot baths, and in the fine print they will do a nerve screening on you...and in speaking with a member of their business they  said that they did it for money...yes to make money.  Now I am not saying that creating wealth is bad, because when there is value creation all is good... I STRESS VALUE CREATION....but when you are doing something but saying another via your mouth or in your business model...that is a CONTRADICTION.  Simply put you are being a poser!!!  NO!!!  Not allowed!!! this from my friend Dr. Jeff cannot change the rules of the game for your convenience.  As it is basketball season, but I want to play differently, I don't want to dribble the ball and I want to slam into people at will, but have more than 5 people on my team,  the hoops lowered for me and raised for the opponent..and still call it basketball.  NOT POSSIBLE...because then it would NOT be called would be called something completely different.  And the same goes for cannot change the "rules" for you and expect to still call it basketball..if insist on that, then it is called a ChiroPOSER.
Okay, now for the non-Chiropractor.  Facebook amazes me...great tool, but can also be to your disadvantage.  Posting one thing, such as you as you wish to grow your wallet one person at time, or that you are looking out for the greater good of humanity, but then acting differently, or choosing who you do this for... is a contradiction..and it will create destruction in your life.  And without knowing WHY...but there is a reason.
One of the "things" I continue to work on and invest in is ME...without a doubt my greatest investment is me and who I am...from books, audio, viewing, to hiring a "Coach" who has congruent values across the board and to who I associate with...and to be acutely aware of when I become out of balance...and it's an ongoing and eye opening process.
In closing I would like to make it simple...BE AUTHENTICALLY you at all times, stop hiding behind things, people, etc...make your life the no poser zone, and watch how your life happens.