
Monday, April 23, 2012


Free your mind.  I first heard those words 13 years ago and "thought" I knew what they meant, and have recited those very words for the past 13 years ago acting like a "Ninja" thinking I got it!!

It wasn't until recently that I actually started to get it, and know those words have more meaning than ever.  Now I am still no Ninja in BEing them, but rather I am a Ninja in training and have declared with boldness that I am dedicated the remainder of my life FREEING MY MIND.  So along this path, every now and then I am going to share with you lessons learned, and wish that you too will free your mind.

The new words that I choose to live with is this..."free your mind and your life will follow."   What happens with so many, and maybe not you, but with me and others I have met, is they wish to live they life they feel will please others or what they "think" society or the culture wants them to.  Instead choose to live your life, the path that you wish to live.  And with society if we do that there is the this fear that others may laugh at you or scold you...which they may do in a group setting, but in the quiet times alone they are crying and wishing they could walk that path, their public judging is their way of "wishing."

What I did, and this may not work for you, or you may think what does this dude know, your call, but what I am sharing is what I found gave me clarity, is turn the volume up, listen to the music, change the frequency to the radio station you want to jam to, and the static will go away, and the tunes are great.

Start BEing spontaneous with life, instead of doing what you may think is culturally acceptable to fit in, STOP, BE you 100% of the time, and have some fun, I DARE YOU...and then guess what, YOU BEcome happy, instead of walking thru life like a zombie, but happy to fit in.  Guess what I know...I was that zombie, until recently, and I am tired of sleeping and living.

When you decide to BEcome you and become a human BEing living extraordinary, you start living...then you wake up. 

So free your mind and your life will follow...and others will choose to follow too.  There is this saying, what else do you have to lose, I say will lose you and I don't want anyone to lose themselves anymore, it's time bring joy back....and bring YOU back, because YOU are worth it.

