
Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Happiness...what creates happiness? Is it getting better at something or is it being less of something?  Neither because you are always's the journey that brings you happiness, not the destination.

So many people, including myself up until a few years ago, are so focused on that end-point, the destination, that will provide the with happiness, that they lose the joy along the way...the DO of who they are working to BE or the HAVE.

So as I share with you today, and you can start DOing today, start your journey and along the path happiness surrounds you in all forms, look around, silence your mind and open your heart and you will see happiness all around you.

It took me years to figure this out, and the last few months I have deeply begun to focus on my journey, and as I go on this journey, I am documenting the process, journaling MY personal destination, there is joy in that process, but there is far greater joy in reviewing the process. Both allow me to ENJOY the moment, as I am doing and reflecting.

Each day you are on a journey, you are creating your legacy, you just don't know what it will bring, but what you can know is to start enjoying the journey, each day have soulful happiness in your journey, BE here right now, BE present with the moment and silence yourself to that moment.  Keep silent in your mind, remove the noise, or better yet don't even allow the noise IN and the day, the journey will be pure happiness.

Have complete disregard to the toxins or "plastic" around you that is attempting, but YOU are stopping, come into your mind, because YOU have committed today to enjoying the journey, knowing that your destination is YOUR legacy.

Know that right now, if you are asked where are you, your reply is HERE, and who are you...ME and the journey becomes YOUR.

BE, have fun...


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Can't BUY It...

You can't "BUY" it but you can earn it "BUY" creating pure authentic value into the lives of's as simple as that.  Sadly in our society of today the plastic is taking over, I don't mean the plastic that is floating around creating the pollution we have in the world...oh wait I do...the "plastic" is creating pollution in the world!!!

But the plastic that is taking over the world, and WE are going to melt the plastic and mold a new a better, simple BE who you are and WHO you wish to BE.  The plastic that refuses to change, let it go, and soon that plastic will become obsolete, and guess what, they know it, they just don't want to change.  So what that plastic will do will just hang on to the fence and blow in wind and become annoying, to the point that soon it will change into what is right or will be "picked" up and recycled.

Creating the value into the lives of others, instead of "BUYING" it is easy, BE the best version of you to everyone, extend that hand, accept others for who they are and if the plastic does not want to accept ( and they may blow into your yard and attempt to pollute you or bring more garbage with them...cause it does happen that way...just know that soon, OBSOLETE will be their new definition) and then start molding and creating a new and better world.

Now, try this...shut off the noise in your head, cease listening to the trash that is in your mind and it keeps polluting your mind.  Silence yourself as much as you can, and this process will take time, energy and work, but that's the beauty of it...when you silence the noise of you and BEgin to listen to the beauty around you, i.e., the sound of water, the noise grass makes in the wind, leaves moving with nature, the laughter of children, or the "noise" that occurs in the embrace of a friend or loved word occurs EPIC!!!

Do this a 10-15 minutes per day, daily, then soon you become excited to the peace that it brings you, the tranquility that occurs and a whole new world that is created for you.  And better yet...the garbage that the plastic continues to throw your way, doesn't matter..then that is when PEACE occurs in you...then you begin to "earn" the life you deserve and will melt those around you to create the life they deserve.

As BJ Palmer, DC said "It's as Simple as that," so today to cease making it so hard and create simplicity.

And more importantly YOU make everything about something, and watch what happens.

BE YOU, have fun...
