
Monday, August 20, 2012

True/False, Multiple Choice or Essay...

As school is starting up I'm intrigued by how the kids are excited for or loathing the first day back.  I see parents that are stressed and figuring out new schedules of how to get little Johnny to school, soccer practice and swim lessons.  There are so many challenges of time committments, work schedules and making healthy choices to eat right for the whole family.  My question is...when kids come home from school, do the parents ask, "how was your day?" or "what did you learn at school today?"

Children need to be positively encouraged and need questions that make them think. 

Prepping for tests was never easy...if there was an essay test we all studied a little more and a little harder not knowing what could be on the test. 

If it was an multiple choice test...maybe we skimmed through some chapters but we could weed out and figure out the answers and still pull a good grade.

If it was a true/false test/quiz...did we really study?

Apply those ideas to kids...if you ask them "how was their day?"... most answer "good" and keep playing video games.

BUT...if you know their favorite subject is science and ask what did you learn in biology today?  they will be EXCITED and their answer will be thoughtful and EPIC.  How will they feel if you know and ask about what they enjoy in school?

Do you want your childrens education to be "good"....or "EPIC"?

Think about what you ask and to whom...
