
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chiropractic and Holiday Stress

Holidays...for many people this word brings anxiety, fear and copious amounts of stress.

Gifts, recitals, parties, gatherings and the chaos of the season affects millions of people every single year.

The interesting thing about the Holidays is this:  We KNOW they are coming and we still ALLOW the stress to overwhelm us!!!

So what can we do about it???  Well we can either decide what stressors we want to eliminate, ie., buying fewer gifts, going to fewer recitals and parties and CHOOSING to enjoy the holidays and all they encompass.  Or we can do something to increase or ability to handle the stress and chaos better.

By enhancing our body's ability to adapt to stress we allow our body to grow stronger for stressful events in the future.  This allows us to handle the events better and minimizes adverse effects that stress can lead to.

The BEST way to do this is to have your nerve system evaluated by a Chiropractor to see how well you are adapting to stressors in your life!  The sooner you do this the sooner you experience a higher quality of life during the Holidays!

Now You Know...

Kiro Kidman

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Don't Stop BElieving

Have you ever had that cool, awesome dream that you wanted to see come true, only to let it slip away because it was just 'too far' out of reality.
Or have you ever thought that it would be cool to save up some money for that amazing trip or that really fast car...only to think later that it would take too long to save or would never be able to happen.
WHY?  Why do you keep killing your dreams?  Why do you allow them to just fizzle out without giving it serious thought and planning to make it become a reality?
When Tiger Woods was a young boy he made a poster.  On that poster he set out his plan for his golf career.  On one side of the poster was all of Jack Nicklaus' records and the age Jack was when he reached them.  On the right was a column where Tiger would fill in his age when he broke each one of Jack's records.  You all know the rest of the story.
Dreams take planning.  They take a mountain of commitment.  And above all else they take the BElief that YOU can achieve them.  Because that is the very inner power that has to BE present in order for your dreams to come true.  YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN!  When you do believe...THEY WILL COME TRUE!
Now You Know...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Commit to Simplify Your Life

Commitment is a word that is taken many different ways...unfortunately.
To be committed to something means to be all-in, no holding back, and in it for the long haul.  It does not mean sometimes, when I feel like it, or if it is easy or feels right.  You cannot have your cake and eat it too.  Commitment takes effort, energy and focus.
To be committed means that it is something that you hold very dear to you and want to see it through to the end or completion.  It may mean that you are in it to make it better than what you found it.  It means that you will give all your power and resources to see that you put everything that you possibly can into it.
To be committed you simplify your life to focus on the things that matter most to you.  Your family, your career, or maybe your faith/belief systems.  Everything that increases your commitment to the things in your life that you hold dear are amplified.  Anything that takes time, energy or focus away from those things you are committed to get set aside.  Not because they aren't fun or cool or enjoyable, but because they take away from the commitment you set to giving your best to those things that mean the most in your life.
What are you committed to most in your life?  Are there things that are keeping you from reaching the level of commitment you desire to have?  When are you going to simplify your life to reach the highest level of commitment possible?
Now You Know...
Kiro Kidman

Monday, January 14, 2013


It amazes me the FEAR tactics that the media can and will put into a society.  Here we are middle of January, and they are tallking about the WORST FLU SEASON EVER....and that hospitals are filling up...they are running out of tamiflu....FEAR FEAR FEAR...seriously.
I wonder why they would do this?  Considering every year  IT IS THE WORST season ever...then they go back and say, OH it wasn't that bad.  It is the flu...I remember in the 70's when I was a young child, if you allowed your body to not function this again, let me help you...if you allowed your body to not function properly, aka, you got run down, you expressed illness...the flu...and you battled it.
Why all of the sudden does EVERYONE need vaccinated for this...will it the label on Tami Flu and the insert grom Glaxo...NO...then WHY are they pushing it...ONE SIMPLE ANSWER MONEY...and what really is that stuff they are putting in you?  Have you ever wondered to ask them...and if they answer, can you believe them.
So here is what you do...YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH YOUR NERVE SYSTEM, it is the master controlling system...when it is functioning properly, your ability to ADAPT to stressors are BETTER...enuf said.  More to do, if you allow your garden to get weeks, which means you do not take care of the garden, the GOOD plants in the garden will be pushed out by bad plants, keep the garden you get what YOU want.
Or one rats cause garbage or does their have to BE garbage for rats.  I think you can answer that one on your own.
I seriously recommend you ask more questions and think about 10-20-50 years the fear mongering, what is the motivation and what is in that stuff they are injecting into your body?