
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Don't Stop BElieving

Have you ever had that cool, awesome dream that you wanted to see come true, only to let it slip away because it was just 'too far' out of reality.
Or have you ever thought that it would be cool to save up some money for that amazing trip or that really fast car...only to think later that it would take too long to save or would never be able to happen.
WHY?  Why do you keep killing your dreams?  Why do you allow them to just fizzle out without giving it serious thought and planning to make it become a reality?
When Tiger Woods was a young boy he made a poster.  On that poster he set out his plan for his golf career.  On one side of the poster was all of Jack Nicklaus' records and the age Jack was when he reached them.  On the right was a column where Tiger would fill in his age when he broke each one of Jack's records.  You all know the rest of the story.
Dreams take planning.  They take a mountain of commitment.  And above all else they take the BElief that YOU can achieve them.  Because that is the very inner power that has to BE present in order for your dreams to come true.  YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE THAT THEY CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN!  When you do believe...THEY WILL COME TRUE!
Now You Know...