
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How Well Does Your Body Adapt?

Adaptation is thee most critical function of the human body.  It is the sole purpose of and reason for having a central nerve system; the brain, spinal cord and nerves.  The adaptive process is constantly at work in our body to help us live every moment at full potential.  So what if this process isn't working at its best?  What if your life just doesn't seem to be functioning at the level it could be?

It's time to find out WHY? 

Instead of wondering or hoping it gets better, why not get it figured out NOW so you can begin to live at the level you were created to!

The Chiropractic profession is in the business of helping people adapt to their full potential.  If you have a subluxation in your spine (misalignment) it will reduce your body's overall ability to adapt and this will limit everything that happens in your life.  Your immune function, energy levels, sleep quality, relationships, and thousands of other NORMAL processes will be limited. 

Get your spine and nerve system checked TODAY!!

Now You Know...


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thriving in Chaos

Sounds impossible right?  Like, how in the world could anyone even remotely begin to wade thru the muck of trials and tribulations and see success at the other end?  Let's take a closer look.  Let's ask a few questions that can help us get a different view of this.

What is chaos?  Chaos is defined as complete disorder and confusion.  Kids screaming, overloaded work schedule, car broke down...all at the same time!  If we have disorder and confusion the first thing we need to do is define what would be order and clarity.  What would be the ideal state so we know what that looks like and then we can begin to break it into parts and start putting order to it.

Next, what does it mean to thrive?  Thrive is defined as to prosper; flourish; grow or develop well or vigorously.  Amazing relationships, joy and fulfillment at work, financial peace...all at the same time!  Again this is where we need to define what our own definition of thriving would be in our life.  Understanding the vision of what that would look like will make it possible to lay out the steps to make it a reality. do we Thrive in Chaos?  Be crystal clear on what you want your life to look like!  Have it in pictures, drawings, write it down!  The more clearly you can see it,  the more powerful the drive will be to get there!  Then when you are in the valleys of chaos, when life seems like it could never get any worse, you will always have that clarity of your vision that will pull you thru the muck and keep you on the journey to your vision!  

Want a hint at how do this faster?  Get a nerve system check-up from your family's Chiropractor to ensure that your body is adapting to all the stresses in your life to the best of it's ability!  Call Today!

Now You Know...


Monday, September 8, 2014


Success...a simple put beyond powerful word, and the beauty of it, you get to define what success means to you.  However be aware when you choose to BE successful, and my hope for you is that you do, you must know, Success is YOUR duty, it is YOUR obligation.  You see when you make the decision that you want to be is your obligation to do so.

Choose what you want to strive for in life, take ownership of what you want to be successful for and demand from yourself the dedication, hard work, courage!!  Realize to yourself that it is earned, deserved and respected.

So what are you going to do to go and get it?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Perseverance: It's All About the Vision

'Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough, ain't no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you!'

The words of the infamous Motown song talked about nothing stopping him from getting to the one he loved.  He would go over a mountain or through a river to get there. 

Our lives can be one big obstacle to getting to where we want to be.  There are two things that separate those that reach their goals and those that don't.  Perseverance and Vision.

You have to have a vision so clear that it is impossible not to be motivated to attain it.  That is when perseverance comes easy because that is where you will always be looking to go. 

The problem lies when we are cloudy in our vision and our thots are opposite of where we want to go.  Doubts, fears and whispers start to creep in.  Sound familiar?

Start by creating a vision so big and so clear that you will need an army to help you accomplish it.  Then you will never need anything else to keep you motivated through the valleys and tough times.  You will always have that crystal-clear vision to push you on and help you to persevere through the tough times!

Now You Know


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What If...

What if?

That is the question that should never..ever..haunt you.  So today commit to no more "What If's" and look forward to that present encounter...then the next each day for that next breath, not that last one.

We are limited with why not enjoy all of them?  That is truly one thing I have committed to doing so with my wife and daughter, live with NO regrets.

So what are you going to change today?  No more What IFS!!!