
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Crisis Care is Government Approved!!

Well like it or not the US Senate and House of approved "Crisis Care" reform--and it will be paid for by "we" the people--not going to get into my political viewpoint on this--but rather feel I need to put a more positive spin on this--cause it is going to need it!!

So here goes or I will try--what has based is a version of Crisis Care--it has now been approved by those that "know best" that our poor lifestyle choices that result in the genetic adaptation of poor health choices is okay--it is a new way to pay for deteriorating lifestyle choices!!  Don't like and don't approve of--so, as my office rule is if you have a gripe have solution, here is my solution!!

It is time to make better--healthier lifestyle choices--so our genes can adapt to a healthy response, pretty simple isn't it!!

We are going to make this a 4 or 5 step process here--throughout this blog because we have, as a society accepted poor choices--stat, 67% of America is overweight!!!

Step One (a two part step)--contact our office, and ask for your packet on "Make 'Em, Keep 'Em" and go out and purchase the best seller by Eric Plasker, The 100 Year Lifestyle Workout.  

Our focus is too get your E-S-S in shape, clean it up--we are going to focus on your Endurance-Strength-Structure.  Because here is what is going to happen--when the facts come in that We the People cannot continue pay for poor lifestyle choices, what do you suppose will happen.

We are going to work on transitioning you from Crisis Care/Choices to Lifestyle Care/Choices--let's do it and grow healthy!!

My best to all of you!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Might rub ya a bit!!

So I have had the opportunity to be a part of the TRUE health care society for enough time to see a variety of "things." You wonder why I call it TRUE health care, simple--what the "experts" deem as healthcare is an oxymoron--what we have is a crisis care society--and it has to change, but first some insights and numbers for you.

Here is what drives me nuts--you know the oath-"do no harm," and the whole honesty thing--gotta tell you what I hear way too frequently just hacks me off. Here is the classic scenario: a practice member comes to our office requesting "HEALTH" care, because they are sick and tired of taking drugs. Along the way or even prior they ask an allopath [the one that i refer to as the oxymoron] who then tells them--"oh don't go to the Chiropractor, they won't help you or I don't recommend it," and then--"here is some better drugs."

SO--a couple of issues with that, how is that addressing the cause of the problem, how will it improve their true overall picture of health, if they need the "better" drugs to start with-why didn't you start off with those drugs initially (hmm--can I see a path of EGO and MONEY here!!!) and where are the SCIENTIFIC trials of safety/effectiveness of those drugs--cause ya know that is their "BIG" thing!! You see, what it truly comes down to is poor self-esteem and the pure lack of truly caring for that human being. It comes down to what is good for them, not for the practice member--MONEY and EGO!!

Also, kind of makes you wonder--isn't it a little sadistic, you have someone who is suffering, oh wait lets prescribe more toxins and see what happens to them--hmmm think there is a bigger picture here!!

Okay the numbers--according to the CDC: out of 191 countries, that's right 191 countries, the USA ranks 29th in infant mortality, according to the WHO (World Health Organization) and is the worst in preventable, thats right, PREVENTABLE deaths out of 19 industrialized nations. Back to the 191 countries--the USA ranks 37th in the present health system, HEALTHY life expectany (wonder what a unhealthy life expectancy is) the USA ranks 24th, and in Health Performance the ranking is 72nd!!! The cool thing about this is the USA/Allopath/Medical system does have one ranking that is number 1---Health Expenditure!!

Comes down to this--it has to change!! And I am taking the responsibility to help lead the revolution of a new and better health care system, ya wanna help??

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ya gotta be kidding me!!

So Friday I am adjusting one of our great practice members, previously she had asked me about going to a Physical Therapist to help her with her flexibility to expedite her recovery process--my reply was "cool--along with what we are doing by removing the subluxation and allowing your body to communicate better, some added flexibility will help you!!"

So with that comment in mind she went to a pt--and sorry, this was the morons reply--yep I said moron, because that is not what I really wanted to call mark the pt, and yes I meant to type his "profession" small because that is how this niwit thought--he told her that she needed to quit Chiropractic because what he was doing and what we were doing was going to work against each other--right--obviously this horses a** has no clue what he does, what we do and what the body does--for gosh sakes did this dude go to school, does he really understand what he does?? However this happens alot--which is very disturbing, I hear this so often, when one of our practice members is receiving care from another health care provider (hurts me to type that!!!), and they share with them they are going to a Chiropractor too--and right away they say, "oh, you had better quit, it will contradict (they don't say that word--the other health provider that is, because to big of word for them), what "we are doing"

So--why does this happen, simple small itty bitty mind, who does not have the practice member health and well being in mind, they have their own interest in mind!! Selfish-selfish-selfish--get over yourself, care for these people, because that is why you do what you do!!

So Chiropractors, lets step up for humanity--because we are the only ones that seem to really care, you see other health professions are so afraid of what might be coming around the corner with the sweeping changes, they have focused just on themselves and have quit caring for humans--which is why after twenty plus years I am pushing to elevate humanity--and I WILL!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Isn't It Time to Think?

I have had the opportunity to BE a part of this great profession called Chiropractic since I was 15 years old--that is when I received my first adjustment and decided this was for me--prior to that I used to think that Chiropractors were not "REAL" Doctors and they were "quack."  Ouch I said that word that makes some cringe--but face it thats what I thought!!!

Then I was fortunate enough to receive care from a Doctor--you see when I was 15 I hurt myself and all that allopathy--the medical profession did was pump me full of drugs--no concern on why I was having problems, just here take these drugs--of course when they didn't work--what they didn't work I was told!!! Well it must be in your head, you must be making this up--right you morons (speaking as a 15 year old here), I enjoy the pain--then I went to a Doctor--a REAL DOCTOR--cause that is what Doctors do--is they TEACH!!  He taught me why I had the problem, outlined a plan, started CARING for me, and TAUGHT me so I would change my lifestyle!!  Then I decided--this is for ME!!  And here I am--MANY YEARS LATER,  more passionate than ever to TEACH humanity why they are in the state they are in--and hopefully they may become Doctors of Chiropractic too!!!

So then today, I found an article that just hacked me off--it comes from, dated June 29, 2009, and is called Drugging Our Children to Death.  It caught my eye and broke my heart---Children have been identified as the most lucravtive expansion market available to the pharmaceutical industry!!!!  "Children are known to be compliant patients and that makes them a highly desirable market for drugs."  the author stated!!

They are forced to take this crap by school personal, parents and the drug pushers who get to do it legally and make a heck of a profit (their medical physician--cannot call them Doctors cause that would be a lie).

The author further states that"prescription drugs for psychiatric drugs increased by 73 percent among adults and 50 percent among children in the United States."  And I thought Doctors of Chiropractic were quacks--hmmm I THINK NOT, I have pretty good idea who they are!!

So lets be fair to humanity, tell the truth and HEAR (not listen) the truth!!!  The future of what happens and where we go depends upon it!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not me??

This past weekend I had the opportunity to meet a 22 year old bartender from Mazalton, Mexico--and just in a short period of time we started discussing health care amongst other issues.  Check this, when he was 20 years old he was driving his motorcycle and was hit by a drunk driver in a pickup (in Mexico) which resulted in him having to be taken to a "specialty hospital."  While he was "out", as he so put it, the person driving the pickup was unavailable and therefore was not going to be paying the hospital bill--

Here is where the story gets good--this 20 year old kid, while out--is in a hospital in a town he knows no one, does not want to tell his mother as not to panic her, now has a bill to pay--so instead of saying "not me!!"--it's his health and they helped him to return to health stays in this community and pays off his bill before doing anything else.  Because, and he said in so many words--its not their fault the other guy didn't pay, but it is my health and body and I need it!!

So--if a 20 year old kid can say Hey I am going to step up to the plate--just think if we all did that--cause it did that for me and my family--if this now 22 year old bartender can be SO responsible, then it is time for US to do the same!!

And just think if those in charge did the same--you know who I am talking about--especially with the direction the "experts" what to do with YOUR health and YOUR tax dollar!!!  And just think if we played like a 20-22 year old bartender from Mexico can be accountable, why can't those who are the leaders, and then it would be soooo easy for everyone to follow--you know reward the behavior you want!!  

Just think if we all played fair like kids are "told" to in the sandbox!!  Maybe we ought to change the sandbox and let the kids tell us what to do!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

You want the truth--you can't handle the truth!!

Are actions congruent with your beliefs??  For example do you say you want to be healthy as you sit and drink that beer, sit on your tail and complain that you cannot achieve wellness??  And then on Monday complain to your Wellness Coach/Doctor of Chiropractic that you are not getting better--kind of hard to achieve a goal when there is contradiction--and that contradiction can be in what you are/are not eating, what you are/are not saying, what you are/are not doing physically!!

Getting to you the point "wellness" is stepping out of your comfort zone--doing those things that are uncomfortable--but when you "break" thru that point it becomes easy and you want more!!

Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, look at your parents/grandparents--see how old they are, you have the genes to live that long--it is now the time to make your health care choices on quality of life care!!  Look around "crisis" care is failing--a motion-potion-lotion for ailments is failing--and the allopaths think this is health care--crapolee!!  786,000+++ deaths per year for this system that is bankrupting the world physically and financially--and they want to have a "voice" in the direction of health and wellness--you screwed it up--- a new voice must be heard!!!  One that does NOT commit medical errors and then go oops--next!!

We are getting older society--by the year 2050 there will be an estimated 2-4 million people in America 100 years or older--do you want to be in crisis or quality??  What are your choices going to be TODAY to make that happen??  Ask your Doctor of Chiropractic to guide you!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Immune System

Why is it that some people "sick" and some do not??  The ones who do not get sick are lucky I bet--thats what it has to be!!  Or I bet it is the "lucky" ones got the opportunity to get the "shot", thats it!!

With all the "buzz" over the Pig Flu--holy cow, did you ever think that PETA might get angry soon--how offensive is it to these poor animals--to have a disease named after them--the Bird Flu, Mad Cow Disease and now the Pig Flu--just watch they will get involved!!

Back to the lucky ones--how about that sickness maybe only "gets" a weakened tissue, example--did you ever see bugs/sorry--maggots on a bird that has "just" fallen from the sky or do the attack weakened tissue??  With this simple theory in mind--disease affects a weakened host--so how about keeping the host strong??!!  But wait there is NO MONEY in keeping one healthy-strong-vital!!

Well lets do it anyhow--why not keep the host strong--and then enjoy life form a vitalistic aspect--hey thats Chiropractic--you live your life thru your nerve system!!  By regular checks with your Doctor of Chiropractic your body is able to stay focused on the host--do it today!!  And then PETA can't get mad at us!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post Birthday

The past was presented by Reggie Gold, DC--one of the pioneers in this great profession of Chiropractic!!  And he got inside the purpose of Innate, which is the "thing" that keeps ONE in balance, the essence of Life.  Something that everyone, no matter what your health philosophy is--what is that "thing" that keeps you balanced.  And when we alter the body chemistry, if via the alteration of that normal flow of nerves and their relationship to the brain/body or if it is by adding chemistry to your body, the essence of life is altered and out of balance.  The most practical way is to keep the body chemistry in a state balance as Innate knows--so way add a foreign chemical to the body??  As I spent the evenings watching the "need" for new chemistry for the Pig Flu--why not keep the immune system at its higher state??  

Give me one reason why we should add chemistry, alter the normal flow, and not expect it to throw the rest of the body chemistry off, without consequences and NOT expect a uneventful outcome--Please just one reason!!

With passion for humanity!!

Dr. Lyle