
Sunday, October 11, 2009

You want the truth--you can't handle the truth!!

Are actions congruent with your beliefs??  For example do you say you want to be healthy as you sit and drink that beer, sit on your tail and complain that you cannot achieve wellness??  And then on Monday complain to your Wellness Coach/Doctor of Chiropractic that you are not getting better--kind of hard to achieve a goal when there is contradiction--and that contradiction can be in what you are/are not eating, what you are/are not saying, what you are/are not doing physically!!

Getting to you the point "wellness" is stepping out of your comfort zone--doing those things that are uncomfortable--but when you "break" thru that point it becomes easy and you want more!!

Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, look at your parents/grandparents--see how old they are, you have the genes to live that long--it is now the time to make your health care choices on quality of life care!!  Look around "crisis" care is failing--a motion-potion-lotion for ailments is failing--and the allopaths think this is health care--crapolee!!  786,000+++ deaths per year for this system that is bankrupting the world physically and financially--and they want to have a "voice" in the direction of health and wellness--you screwed it up--- a new voice must be heard!!!  One that does NOT commit medical errors and then go oops--next!!

We are getting older society--by the year 2050 there will be an estimated 2-4 million people in America 100 years or older--do you want to be in crisis or quality??  What are your choices going to be TODAY to make that happen??  Ask your Doctor of Chiropractic to guide you!!

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