
Sunday, March 28, 2010

More Food Thinking For Ya!!

So we are 7 days into the Perfect Plan--okay thats sarcasm--really do you think that Nancy Pelosi-Reid-Obama know "health" care--and they are going to tell YOU what you need and what you are going to pay--so BEware--advice--start making lifestyle changes to promote YOUR health and well being, because you do NOT want to get sick!!!

There are some great reads out there for food/nutrition advice, check these out on
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollen, Fast Food Nation, Food Rules, Food Inc., The China Study---really good reads for some food advice!!!

Some simple rules for foods are this--if it comes in a can or box, survives a nuclear war and then you can eat it---hmmmm, bad choice for food, BUT if you set it on your shelf and 3 days later--thats the type of food you want to it!! Pretty simple!!

A new big hot idea for fruits--check out Pomegranate--great for the heart and anti-oxidants, also always take your Omega 3's!! You have a thyroid problem--stay away from Gluten, keep gluten free diet!!

You like the diet sodas--research has shown that they damage the appetite control center, which causes you to crave more and increase your weight!!!

Okay 5 more Fat Burning Rules:
1) Do not consume MSG or aspartame.
2) Do not consume high fructose corn syrup.
3) Do not consume grains because they are carbohydrates.
4) Do not drink alcohol.
5) Keep your stress as low as possible--YEP THATS RIGHT GET ADJUSTED!!

Pretty simple stuff--next week a few more, then we step into some goal stuff!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

WOW Did I learn something!!

Initially after this "landmark" day I was going to Blog about the "new" sick care system that will be in place--but THOT I would calm down a TON before I did that.

So with that in mind, this past weekend we had our NCPA State Convention--essentially a gathering of Chiropractors---so the State of Nebraska had to be without Chiropractors!!! But we had the opportunity to hear one of the most intelligent people on the planet--Dr. Dan Murphy, fellow Chiropractor--pretty simple, wow did I learn something.

As I grow wiser I have become more fascinated with "foods" and nutrients--and along with that some interesting things come to mind, we are destined to live 100 years old, by the year 2050 it is estimated there will be 2-4 MILLION people around the age of 100!!! And I choose, and have dedicated myself to guiding you to live to that point healthy!!! And...for the first time ever two things are happening, for the first time ever Children born today have a life span less than ours--why OBESITY and for the first time ever we are dying of OBESITY and NOT starvation--this must change--so here som rules from Dr. Dan Murphy on Fat Burning Rules--enjoy:

We will start out with 5--there are 16 but want to work you in easy--so lets set a goal to hit these first 5 this week!!

1) Never eat after dinner
Never go to bed on a full stomach
Try to finish eating dinner at least 3 hours before bed
Try to allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast
2) Do not snack between meals
Eat only 3 meals per day
Try to allow 5-6 hours between meals, eating 20 grams of protein (minimum) with each
meal will help one to do this
3) Do not each large meals, and when you eat, eat slowly. It takes 20-30 minutes for the leptin signals to turn off the hunger centers of the brain.
4) Never skip breakfast, and make sure breakfast contain at least 20 grams of protein.
5) Do not eat refined carbohydrates; this is the most important rule; Sugary drinks including juice, all sugary foods, breads, pastas, potatoes and rice.

More to come next week--but friends--it is up to YOU to change your health--with what just happened it is time to BEcome proactive--and we are here for you to awaken and empower you to LIVE your BEST life.

Dr. Lyle