
Monday, June 25, 2012

It's not the Band Aid...

Have you ever wondered when you cut yourself how the body heals?  Or is it just me?  As a little boy I "used" to think that the band aid had the magic powers...when your parents put it on they had this special gift and this band aid would "heal" the injury...guess what...NOT TRUE!!
That gift resides within YOU...that in itself is the gift.  I mean how amazing is this, you possess the gift to recover...inside of YOU, and sadly...some, not all take it for granted without even realizing or even worse yet, taking proper care of that "thing" that helps you recover or "heal."
You see it's not the band-aid, the pill, the lotion or motion, or even the health care provider (although it does play a part, they have to be competant in respecting you and your ability to recover properly), it all comes down to YOU...the Master Machine.  How cool is that!!!
But what is the 'GIFT" that controls us..simple, it is YOUR NERVE SYSTEM, the master controller, it's not BIG PHARMA, is your inner response team.  And it not only controls the recovery of the body, it regulates YOU 100%...but what if it is not functioning properly?
Think for a bit, what if the thermostat in your refrigerator was not working right, what would happen to the "stuff" inside, how would that milk taste? got it, you just got that taste in your mind!!
Who focuses on your NERVE SYSTEM...WE do, Doctors of Chiropractic, so to make it simple, get your nerve system checked regularly, because you LIVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH YOUR NERVE SYSTEM...time to start LIVING...
It's As Simple As That...


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