
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kids on Drugs...Are you serious??

I have to vent today after hearing several heartbreaking stories of children on mind-altering pharmaceutical prescriptions.  Namely schedule II classified controlled substances.  These include Ritalin, Adderall, Cocaine, Methadone, and Speed.  YES, you read that correctly...Ritalin is in the same classification as Cocaine!!
We are prescribing these drugs too kids at earlier ages than ever before and for reasons that are absolutely crazy at best!  I read an article from a very well-known newspaper recently where schools are giving these drugs to kids just so that they can get better grades in school!! ADD/ADHD, no attention issues, or hyperactivity...solely so that they can get better grades and school.   And the PARENTS are OK with this!!  What kind of world are we living in today??
These same drugs have been a HUGE part of every school and mall shooting over the last 10 years in our country.  Every one of the kids who has taken another human beings life has been on these drugs that can cause psycotic episodes, euphoria, and life-threatening outbursts!
This is not is becoming all too common in our world today.  This has to stop before we become a world of over-drugged, doped up zombies.  This is not how we were designed to live our lives and their is a much better way of dealing with this issue!  It's called living your life thru an optimally functioning Nerve System!! Get your spine and Nerve System checked TODAY!!
What do these drugs do to normal, healthy people??
Now You Know...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Up to YOU

So often we try to BE who we are not or blame someone or thing for what is determine your destiny, your thots and actions create what is happening to you.  So if you don't like it, simple change it.
It's as simple as this....YOUR DECISIONS, good or bad, will create ACTIONS...and then consequences occur.  And in my travels sharing with other Chiropractors I see this so often, and even in my life as well!!!  Yes, I confess, sometimes I cease decisions that are putting me in the direction I choose, or fall into the trap of "buying" into other people's decisions that create something I don't desire.
The key is recognizing those decisions before the trap gets out of control...but YOU can still get out of it, it just may take a little more time that you want.
Homework....THINK ON THIS...what decision can you make, RIGHT NOW, that will create ACTIONS that you can do, that will direct you toward your CONSEQUENCE?  Got it!!