
Sunday, April 18, 2010

WE are taking it ONE step further--for YOU!!

Here is what I have learned from the best selling author and my dear friend Gary Ryan Blair, exceed all expectations, go that extra mile, it's what makes you IT...and we your health, lifestyle and wellness team at Koca Chiropractic Clinic do for you..we just went that extra mile.

As I travel across the United States, in last 4 days have been in Minneapolis, Omaha, Chicago and Newark...yes, ready to be home.  But what I have found that I strive for a healthy obsession for ABOVE outstanding customer service and we work to exceed our promises for you, the greatest practice members on the planet.  We constantly keep up with developments in our field and other fields that we can apply for you...which is what I did this past weekend.  Spent the last two days with Alex Mandossian..pretty simple wow!!!

So before I share with you, here are some core values that we are implementing, and once again, thank you Gary Ryan Blair, as it is your guidance, inspiration and program;  that has inspired us to go WAY above--my recommendation to you all, check it it!!

So, here it is, for the past weeks we have been "hinting" about what is coming, and I have been searching for a period of time to find this.  But not searching hard enough! In March when we (my family and I) had the opportunity to spend some extra time with Gary, he challenged me to step up to the plate and deliver, and when I say that he challenged me, HE DID.

I know we do a great job of correcting your vertebral subluxations, which is the event that you have come to our office with, THANK YOU, and we discuss lifestyle changes with you and coach you to become more cognitive of them.  Well ONE STEP more for addition to us doing that for you, lets make this a team, I have hired YOU a COACH!!!

I have four coaches that I work with, Brian who helps me physically, as I have decided to step up to the plate and go to the gym--consistently and hard core, well for me; Dr. Plasker who gets in my head to talk the TIC (Chiropractic), Heidi who coaches my team and Gary who is MY LIFE coach.  And I have to tell you I take advantage of their gifts for me.  I just  hired a team Internet Optimization coaches for my wife...yep more work for her, but watch the cool stuff we will present to you, and she has a physical coach too, and a LIFE coach..yep Gary!!!!

So I thought how selfish of me, for the greatest practice members on the planet, they need a coach..well you have one..starting May 1st!!!  Please read the letter below it provides you with some basic starting information, oh yes, and your family can take advantage of this too...why not...they deserve the best too. If you have any questions please ask myself or one of our AWESOME team members..please take advantage of this powerful opportunity....YOU will be glad you did.  I have utilized coaching for years, and provide it for other Chiropractors!!

i am truly blessed to be in YOUR life..thank you for the opporutnity!!!

Dear Friends,

It is no secret that America is experiencing a significant health care crisis. In fact, leaders predict that the skyrocketing cost of health care threatens to bankrupt our country. Currently, over 50% of personal bankruptcies in the U.S. are related to medical debt and over 70% of our health care dollars go toward treating the effects of preventable lifestyle-related conditions.

Our health care system is in crisis and something must be done about it. That is why I am excited about a new service I am offering. In an effort to become part of the health care solution, beginning May 1, 2010 all active patients at Koca Chiropractic Clinic will have access to work with a professional wellness coach via telephone, email or instant messaging to help you.

I am offering this program you and our community, free of charge. That’s right, at no additional charge to you, you can work one-on-one with a professional wellness coach from the convenience of your own telephone or computer so that you can experience better health through better living.

Why am I doing this? Well, recently I was inspired by a book I read titled Discover Wellness: How staying healthy can make you rich by two of my good friends and colleagues Dr. Bob Hoffman and Dr. Jason A. Deitch. The book became an instant bestseller and I believe lays out the foundation for the ultimate solution to America’s health care crisis.

Doctors just like me across America are part of a new movement of wellness professionals, committed to putting the “health” and the “care” back into our health care system. This is one of many ways you will see me demonstrating my commitment to serving our community.

Our office is a community wellness resource center, offering monthly Discover Wellness Presentations designed to help you understand what you can do to achieve better health and greater wealth. It’s my goal for more people to realize that their health is their greatest asset, the more of it you have, the wealthier you are.

I hope that you will take advantage of the free wellness coaching & wellness presentations I am offering you, your family, your friends and our community. I am even willing to offer Discover Wellness Presentations at our local churches, civic groups, non-profits and businesses so that they too can become part of the ultimate health care solution.

I am thankful that you have chosen me to be your wellness doctor and I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions about these new services, if you would like to invite me to speak at your workplace or group, or if you would like to refer someone to our wellness center, please call Koca Chiropractic Clinic at 402-496-4570.

Stay healthy & be rich,

Dr. Lyle Koca

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Look at the results!!

Have you ever noticed that when you do some"thing" quick, easy, convenient in the end it wasn't a good idea, actually costs you more time, money and energy in the end.  And in some cases ends up far worse than you thought!!

We have been honored for the past week to be a member of a select group of participants in a program designed to improve your results of behaviors called The Blair Project.  The program is based upon Gary Ryan Blair's Start Fast Finish Strong,which I HIGHLY recommend when it comes "open" again in January.  It is 100 days of changing what you are doing, with a massive degree of personal responsibility.

Every morning it starts off with a 3-6 video or audio with associated homework that relates back to your initial day of setting up your end result, all based upon Start with the end in mind.  It takes dedication, discipline, perseverance and personal integrity, but in the end if you follow the program WITHOUT TAKING SHORT CUTS,  maximum achievements are attained.

The essence of the program is simple, behavior never lies.  So with that in mind over the next weeks are going to follow the program, with the intent of guiding you to success.

As I begin another year in my voyage of Chiropractic, coordinated EPOC and the best job, a father it all ties in, you need to get serious about your life, RIGHT NOW.  Because if you do NOT you will get leftovers, not the main course, and I want YOU to have the main course.  Get serious about what you are doing, stop blaming someone else for what you have.

I have had the opportunity to work firsthand with many people, pretty simple, stop blaming the "environment" for what is happening to you, there are two things that happen in this world, things you can control and things you cannot, focus on what you can and quit blaming someone else.

Take massive action in your life, for my practice members and their family this is my call to you, TODAY TAKE action on changing your life, don't wait for someone else to do it for you.  We have dedicated our clinic to helping you change your lifestyle as we help your bodies stress adaptability syndrome, i.e, the subluxation in your spine that is presently creating your situation.

Take advantage of what we have to offer for you, along with our office visits, we have weekly workshops to help guide you, weekly podcasts, a mass amount of information of our webpage,, our facebook page and coming May 1st, oh wait, cannot tell you yet...sorry!!  But it is cool.  I know there is the catch word "wellness Doctors,"  and I LOVE the fact that we as Doctors of Chiropractic are heading the wellness revolution, or we should be, because I am pretty sure that narcotics, surgery and wellness are not synonymous, but what does that do we define wellness.  Well that is what we are going to do for you, we are taking our clinic and your health to a whole new dimension on May 1st...but until then take advantage of what we presently offer..and look for what is coming in May!!!

You see we have taken bold audacious steps for you to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams, and when that time comes no more procrastinating to make that change, before it is too late..the time is today, the time to make changes in your life are do it!!

So with this in mind, here is what I want YOU to do today...define the lifestyle that YOU want, be specific, as the world does not operate in vague..define exactly what a Wellness/Healthy Lifestyle is for you.  Which means you want a different "life," then get ready to design that new life, and watch for us to help you coming May 1st, along with what we are already offer.


Dr. Lyle

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Finishing up--then something more!!

Okay--so we are near the end of the basics of eating....but I promise we are going to come back to this is my guarantee.  I read alot of blog articles and posts and they are canned and not original..I will be ME, simple and straight forward..not some "outlined" story.

I think that way and so do most humans, so want you to get it from me.  Just started reading The China Study and The Paleo Diet-wow, we eat rotten and think rotten.  Also spending some more time reading information from Dr. Dan Murphy, probably one of the smartest people on the planet(this is where the last two posts have come from, and this one).

I highly recommend purchasing and reading these two books-for nutrition books, pretty simple read.  Face it..nutrition can be pretty boring.  But these two and Dr. Murphy put some great "flavor" on it that makes it tasty?

Okay--last of the Fat Burning Rules as per Dr. Dan Murphy:
1)  Eat lots of raw and steamed vegetables, some fruit--especially apples, and raw nuts.  These fruits are NOT okay because they are high in sugar and low in fiber:  bananas, dates, figs, raisins, canned fruit, dried fruit and mangoes.
2)  Exercise, a combination of weight training and aerobics is best ( I have just started doing this for the past 4 weeks and feel great!!)
3)  Sleep a minimum of 7 hours per night.
4)  Avoid abnormal sources of estrogen and estrogen-like compounds:  birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, soy based foods.  Eat organic produce only.  If the foods you are eating are NOT organic fruits, vegetables and meats, you are consuming foods that have been exposed to pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics, herbicides, fungicides and estrogens.  All of these stop fat burning and increase fat storage.
5)  Take the anti-inflammatory dose of fish oil supplements.  This requires 3 grams per day.
6)  Take a multivitamin/mineral supplement every day.

Okay-there we are 16 Fat Burning excuses and start a new you today!!!

So next week something different--deciding whether on the 100 Year Lifestyle, more food stuff on the "BE."  Guess will have to see what innate says or what I read on the internet...going to follow my heart.

Wish you the best and always staying original!!

Dr. Lyle