
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Look at the results!!

Have you ever noticed that when you do some"thing" quick, easy, convenient in the end it wasn't a good idea, actually costs you more time, money and energy in the end.  And in some cases ends up far worse than you thought!!

We have been honored for the past week to be a member of a select group of participants in a program designed to improve your results of behaviors called The Blair Project.  The program is based upon Gary Ryan Blair's Start Fast Finish Strong,which I HIGHLY recommend when it comes "open" again in January.  It is 100 days of changing what you are doing, with a massive degree of personal responsibility.

Every morning it starts off with a 3-6 video or audio with associated homework that relates back to your initial day of setting up your end result, all based upon Start with the end in mind.  It takes dedication, discipline, perseverance and personal integrity, but in the end if you follow the program WITHOUT TAKING SHORT CUTS,  maximum achievements are attained.

The essence of the program is simple, behavior never lies.  So with that in mind over the next weeks are going to follow the program, with the intent of guiding you to success.

As I begin another year in my voyage of Chiropractic, coordinated EPOC and the best job, a father it all ties in, you need to get serious about your life, RIGHT NOW.  Because if you do NOT you will get leftovers, not the main course, and I want YOU to have the main course.  Get serious about what you are doing, stop blaming someone else for what you have.

I have had the opportunity to work firsthand with many people, pretty simple, stop blaming the "environment" for what is happening to you, there are two things that happen in this world, things you can control and things you cannot, focus on what you can and quit blaming someone else.

Take massive action in your life, for my practice members and their family this is my call to you, TODAY TAKE action on changing your life, don't wait for someone else to do it for you.  We have dedicated our clinic to helping you change your lifestyle as we help your bodies stress adaptability syndrome, i.e, the subluxation in your spine that is presently creating your situation.

Take advantage of what we have to offer for you, along with our office visits, we have weekly workshops to help guide you, weekly podcasts, a mass amount of information of our webpage,, our facebook page and coming May 1st, oh wait, cannot tell you yet...sorry!!  But it is cool.  I know there is the catch word "wellness Doctors,"  and I LOVE the fact that we as Doctors of Chiropractic are heading the wellness revolution, or we should be, because I am pretty sure that narcotics, surgery and wellness are not synonymous, but what does that do we define wellness.  Well that is what we are going to do for you, we are taking our clinic and your health to a whole new dimension on May 1st...but until then take advantage of what we presently offer..and look for what is coming in May!!!

You see we have taken bold audacious steps for you to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams, and when that time comes no more procrastinating to make that change, before it is too late..the time is today, the time to make changes in your life are do it!!

So with this in mind, here is what I want YOU to do today...define the lifestyle that YOU want, be specific, as the world does not operate in vague..define exactly what a Wellness/Healthy Lifestyle is for you.  Which means you want a different "life," then get ready to design that new life, and watch for us to help you coming May 1st, along with what we are already offer.


Dr. Lyle

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