
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Finishing up--then something more!!

Okay--so we are near the end of the basics of eating....but I promise we are going to come back to this is my guarantee.  I read alot of blog articles and posts and they are canned and not original..I will be ME, simple and straight forward..not some "outlined" story.

I think that way and so do most humans, so want you to get it from me.  Just started reading The China Study and The Paleo Diet-wow, we eat rotten and think rotten.  Also spending some more time reading information from Dr. Dan Murphy, probably one of the smartest people on the planet(this is where the last two posts have come from, and this one).

I highly recommend purchasing and reading these two books-for nutrition books, pretty simple read.  Face it..nutrition can be pretty boring.  But these two and Dr. Murphy put some great "flavor" on it that makes it tasty?

Okay--last of the Fat Burning Rules as per Dr. Dan Murphy:
1)  Eat lots of raw and steamed vegetables, some fruit--especially apples, and raw nuts.  These fruits are NOT okay because they are high in sugar and low in fiber:  bananas, dates, figs, raisins, canned fruit, dried fruit and mangoes.
2)  Exercise, a combination of weight training and aerobics is best ( I have just started doing this for the past 4 weeks and feel great!!)
3)  Sleep a minimum of 7 hours per night.
4)  Avoid abnormal sources of estrogen and estrogen-like compounds:  birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, soy based foods.  Eat organic produce only.  If the foods you are eating are NOT organic fruits, vegetables and meats, you are consuming foods that have been exposed to pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics, herbicides, fungicides and estrogens.  All of these stop fat burning and increase fat storage.
5)  Take the anti-inflammatory dose of fish oil supplements.  This requires 3 grams per day.
6)  Take a multivitamin/mineral supplement every day.

Okay-there we are 16 Fat Burning excuses and start a new you today!!!

So next week something different--deciding whether on the 100 Year Lifestyle, more food stuff on the "BE."  Guess will have to see what innate says or what I read on the internet...going to follow my heart.

Wish you the best and always staying original!!

Dr. Lyle

1 comment:

  1. The problem with The China Study is the author designed his study and selected the participants to prove what he wanted to prove. He is quite biased.

    I've never heard of Dan Murphy. Does he have a bestseller?

    More on the paleo diet is here:
