
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another DC....

So Happy 2011...probably tired of hearing that one?  But had to do it, cause a little selfishness here, don't know about yours but mine started off pretty gosh darn great!!  My team, and it was their choice worked New Years Eve cause they want to serve, and serve we did.  It was cold and slick, they showed up big and with smiles ready to end the year strong and prepped for some powerful events for 2011.
We have put together some incredible events, avenues for YOU to learn more about health and wellness, and to become engaged and responsible for your community!!  If you have not signed up for the WIDGET yet, why NOT!!!  This "thing" is going to BE epic with what we are going to be able to do and how you are going to be able to communicate with us, along with the bar on the bottom is directly connected to The Doctor's Resource center, which is FULL of health information!!!  Please contact us ASAP if you need info on how to get your WIDGET.
So New Years Eve night I hopped on ANOTHER plane, figured what the heck, did it almost 40 times this year, what's one more...and headed to Oklahoma City, thru Denver to watch my daughter show her horse, as they were there all week and part of this next week!!!  Okay here is where it gets cool, but first, earlier in the week a good friend of mine was CHOSEN as the PRESIDENT OF NEW ZEALAND COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC...PRETTY NEAT.  So wifey and teenager pick me up at the airport...way late at night on New Years Eve, and we choose a fine dining restaurant to ring in the New Year (not really!!) we are sitting there I get an text from Dr. Russell wishing us a Happy New Year, as I am telling the family teenager says in so many words, "I think that is where I am going to Chiropractic School!!!"
Naturally there was some silence at the table, had to have her explain it to me, of course in teenagers own way, with a little "Stepbrothers" movie flair on it she says that is what she wants to do....gotta tell you that is the second greatest moment in my life, only to the day she was born.  I am sooooooo excited that Blaike will be joining this great profession, her philosophy is already ahead of the majority of the profession, sorry, and her understanding of the human body and it's potential is unmatched at this early there will be another Koca in the ChiropracTIC profession!!  Believe it or not, she is bolder than me and will make a MASSIVE IMPACT ON THIS PROFESSION AND HUMANITY!!!  I am going to have to elevate myself to keep up with her!!
And then I get back and get an email from a practice member on Sunday that just lights my fire even more..."Recently I HAD TO go see my dr to get one simple prescription for high blood pressure(heredity) because they REFUSED to refill it. So they collected my prepayment of $20 and I'm sure filed a chage to my insurance company. My Dr comes in and asked what he could do for me. I told him that his office was taking advantage of my insurance company and raising my cost by having me come in just to get a BP pill. While I was there he pushed the flu shot saying I really should have one and he could take care of it today. I asked him because he was my Dr isn't his goal to keep me healthy? He said yes, then I asked then which flu do you intend to treat for? And why would you put Mercury in my body? So after multiple attempts he gave up on that. Then went to the Tetnas shot saying there have been reports of whooping cough on the east coast and I should get the new one. I know that this is a 10 year shot and when asked when was my last he said in 2003. My math said I've still got 3 years to worry about that.
So I asked why was he pushing all these things on me. He said well we don't see you often (once a year to get my insurance card) and need to get as much out of me when I do come in! I told him the reason I don't come in is because I get adjusted regularly and my body's ability to fight off sickness works. I told him he should go see you guys and recommended he watch some of the video's you post. I also shared that a lot has changed in the education of wellness and maybe he should consider educating himself.
I shared the mind only works when it acts like a parachute - when it is open. With that I told him I'd see him next year.
Appreciate all the things you guys do!I learn more and more......"
So to close, I sit here and type this, at home missing my family as they are still in Oklahoma City showing horses, with the dogs wrestling at my feet knowing that I am truly blessed to do what I do, and have many more years of BEing what I am, and that we are impacting humanity, and it's going to get just a bit more hold on!!

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