
Monday, January 10, 2011


So my wife shared an article with me from Real Simple magazine and it was powerful…and yet so simple, so below is the article.

Celebrate everthing.

“Each time I walk into my apartment-even if I’ve been gone for less than a minute-my three dogs leap on me, kiss me, lick me, wag and bark, and show me their chew toys. I find it inspiring: Life throws a lot of junk in your direction, so you might as well get your kicks when you can. Now I try to acknowledge every small-but-happy event (my kid’s half-birthdays, good doctor’s visits (Koca opinion here..has to be a Chiropractor), even when a mosquito bite stops itching) with at least a cheeful word or gesture. I believe that if dogs could speak, they’d say, “You should have a cupcake for that.” That’s a worldview I can get behind.”

~Julie Klam is the author of You Had Me at Woof

How cool is that…and of course since I have three dogs that greet me everytime I walk in the door this hit home with me…because no matter WHAT they are completely happy and just want love!!! They don’t let the little crap impact them, they don’t get caught up in the social society…they just want some love and attention, and more importantly to hang!!

So why can’t we??

At what point did all the other “stuff” matter and why does it matter??? So how about make a challenge to YOURSELF to start celebrating more, and make it simple, start with the little things. Along with that why not influence others to celebrate more too, holy cow, how’s this even total strangers. Could you imagine the impact on the world, the stinkin thinking that would change if we started celebrating more.

Today, Omaha, Nebraska we are getting snow, I don’t know how many inches, and quite honestly don’t care. But had you ever looked at a snowflake and celebrated the architecture of a snowflake…who designs this? I wonder how many computer techs it took and permits it took to design such beauty? How about celebrating the fact that you have snow removal or a shovel…for that much gloves and hat to where, along with hot chocolate when you are done!! WOW!!

To get really crazy how about going out and making snow angels with your family…when you do I want pictures!!! Share them with us, and we will share them with others…cause it is not often you can lay in the snow in play, and then when you are done…hot chocolate time!!! Heck, bring the dogs with you, I know for fact that at sometime today my three will be outside, and my Shar-Pei, Aussie and English Bulldog will be diving in the snow, coming up with a faceful!!!

So today, and everyday make it a personal promise that you will celebrate EVERYTHING, and when you life and what happens.

My best to you,


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