
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Give It a Break!!

So this past week we had an "emergency meeting" for Doctors of Chiropractic--ya sometimes never know what these may bring and to be honest I really did not want to go--but like all good husbands I listened to my wife and went. As I sent there listening, I could not stay quiet long--so here goes.

For years the allopathic/medical profession has said we, the Chiropractic profession, did not "work"--of course I would like "them" to describe what that means!! If that means that we are not responsible for approximately 780,000 deaths per year, outrageous medical expenditures, the reason that health care is rising like crazy, creating the "frenzy" of political stuff, and sorry, the "BS" that is said--you know--"x-rays showed a pulled muscle--take these drugs!!--yea that will work" (just an example)--I guess what I am saying about the "BS" saying what they need to say to protect their poor self esteem and elevate their egos!!

Okay--enuf on that rampage!! But here is the deal, in Nebraska, the Physical Therapy (PT) profession, to condense and take out the political mumbo-jumbo, wants to do what we--the Chiropractic Profession--does!! They are literally trying to sneak a law through, pay a ton of cash to the powers that be and even say if they don't get the law passed it will hurt their accreditation!!! But wait a minute--YOU--YES YOU the profession has said the Chiropractic profession did not work---so if it does not, then why do YOU want it!!! Of course, remember my definition of work!!!

So as I sat there, I wondered why in the world would this profession want to do what I do--they don't have the training, they surely have NO PHILOSOPHY in what they do--oh wait a minute--MONEY--let me make this simple--MONEY!! You see, unfortunately the downfall of allopathy or has it has become ALLOPATHETIC, has fallen into the trap of who cares, lets just line our pockets!!

Pretty simple, a couple of things will not happen on MY watch--ONE: I will not allow MY beloved profession of Chiropractic to fall away from what is most important--the health and well-being of YOU, my practice member!! and TWO: I will not allow our Philosophy to slip---you see there is a reason the legends of MY profession did what they did--they loved humanity--and I do too and want the future to talk about what we did for the profession and humanity--what is RIGHT!!

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