
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Time to Change the Paradigm!!

So this great friend of mine Dr. Eric Plasker, author of the best selling book, The 100 Year Lifestyle Workout, once told me stand 100 times more for what you believe in and thats it!! And I love that statement as does my family.

With that in mind on Wednesday of this past week a fellow Doctor of Chiropractic and friend of mine was interviewed on Channel 3 (local CBS affiliate) about Chiropractic and Bedwetting. Even more courageous was stepping out into the crosshairs as a Chiropractor, but the family even more so--you and your child are on my hero board and I honor you for what you did in the public eye. Even cooler, the excitement that mom and dad showed for their child getting their life back with drugs and their direct effects!!!

Dr. Weaklend was awesome and was very professional in his tone and how he discussed this situation, way cool dude.

BUT--AND THEN--YEP--it happened, the TV station interviewed a local md, and wow was she a great representative of health and well-being. Once I got over the terrible external posture-yes I said posture, holy cow it was terrible, and then just her whole demeanor--ick!!

But--what really hacked me off, this young child and family received positive results without chemicals (which by the way are not tested--you'll see) or the "shock" or tingle pad--which sets an alarm off if it detects moisture--wow what does that due to someone!! She went on to give her moronic opinion about a profession she knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT!!!

She went on the say pop-snap-crack, and that should never happen--NO SH**!! What Doctors of Chiropractic do you ding dong is we deliver specific Chiropractic adjustments to restore maximum joint function, which restores healthier nerve integrity so that body can function better--duh, you see we promote THE EXPRESSION OF LIFE!!! OH WAIT, that might be to deep for you to handle!! (Sorry a little bitter here--been brewing on this all week) And then she said, you will love this, it should never hurt the child--ahhh, I am so glad you said that, what about when you JAM- that needle into the child--does that hurt--or how about this stuff you *%#@*!!!:

1) Allopaths-(Drug Dispensers)-md's who treat children often prescribe drugs for off-label uses because little information is available from well-controlled studies on dosage, formulation, effectives and SAFETY in children. (American Family Physician, August 1, 2003)

2) Three-fourths of the prescription drugs on the market DO NOT have labeling instructions for children, leaving their use for children to physicians discretion( or luck). (JAMA, 2006:296:1266-1273)

3) Almost 80% of hospitalized children get drugs that are NOT approved for pediatric use. Using drugs that have been insufficiently studied in children has contributed to adverse outcomes, which have been documented in the medical literature (REALLY!!) (Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine March 2007)

4) 73% of off-label uses lacked evidence of clinical efficacy. The greatest disparity between supported and unsupported off-label uses was found among prescriptions for psychiatric treatment usage (4% strong support vs. 96% limited or NO support) and allergies (11% support vs. 89% limited or NO support.) (Archives Intern Med. 2006;166:1021-1026)

5) The incidence of preventable Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR's) is similar to that found in adult literature. Over 50% of the reported ADR's resulted in treatment intervention and/or temporary patient harm. (Drug Safety 2004;27(11):819-29)

6) In hospitals, medical errors are responsible for the DEATHS of nearly 4,500 children in the United States EVERY YEAR!!! "The bottom line is that none of these events should have happened," said Dr. Marlene R. Miller, the study's lead author and Director of Quality and Safety Initiatives at the John's Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore. (BMJ 2004;328:1458 19 June)

7) A recent review of all studies concerning the reasons for pediatric hospitalzation (children under the age of 19) found that 2.09% of all pediatric hospitalizations were caused by adverse drug reactions and that 39% of these were life-threatening. (British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Jul 2001; 52: 77-83)

8) There were 3.8 million children under the age of 19 hospitalized in the United States in 1997. This means that in one year, there are 79,000 children (2.09% x 3.8 million children) admitted to the hospital because of adverse drug reactions; 31,000 of these children having life-threatening adverse reactions. (Pediatrics June 2003; 111: 1358-1366).

Okay, I am not saying do not have medical intervention or drug therapy, my point here is simple, we had a family that achieved positive results, a Doctor of Chiropractic who helped a family, but yet another health professional, with ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT WE DO, let alone any formal education in Chiropractic, have to give their opinion. What would happen to the allopathic profession if the media started to ask those "outside" of their little circle opinions on what they do--have a great answer, they would be furious--saying they do not have the training to do so. But yet they feel the need to share theirs--hey look in your own house, you got issues!!! Lots of them--and they are getting worse because you are starting to get questioned on what you do, and I know, because I hear and you don't like it!!

It's simple, in order for US--yes US, the health profession are to change the "system" its time to stop thinking of it as ME, but its about THEM--humanity, because that is what IT is all about, it is our responsibility to leave the world a better place that which we started. And our way can be by promoting health and well-being, stop suppressing life, but lets allow it to EXPRESS to its fullest potential.

One thing I can say for my profession, we put ourselves out there to be challenged, and our PRACTICE MEMBERS do too, thank you, we love ya--I truly do, my staff does so too!!

The Doctor of Chiropractic who stepped up and did this interview way to go, will stand tall with you any day, and family, I HONOR YOU and truly from my heart--THANK YOU!!

Make Life Happen--TODAY!!

Dr. Lyle

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