
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Enough Excuses...

How often do you wake up early on a morning and say today.."I am going to..." and then as the day goes on you become the master of excuses?  And if you are reading this and saying not me...I challenge your paradigm, because we all have done it at some time in our life or are still doing it...and if you say NOT ME, NEVER...kiroman is calling you out, because you are not all that.

Little aggressive and intense to start out?  But I just spent that past few days with 4000 Chiropractors and Staff, listened to some powerful speakers, shared with some DC's and staff, and spent time with some dear friends in Chiropractic...the latter of which I am eternally grateful for the friendship. 

Why...I made this long 4 days without kirowyf and teenager, and that is hard.  But the DC's and wives that made sure I wasn't going to be lonesome without kirowyf, and I was, because I am headed home early on one of those night flights where I am the only one with his light on!!!  Kind of like that kid that wants to come home from camp early!!

My lesson learned, well take that, of the lessons learned, but the ones I want to hit home on...and not really a Chiropractic topic, but it does fall into the mental aspect of those that are your friends, make sure they know how you feel when they do things for you.

Stop making excuses that you will do something "nice" for them someday or next time...make it this time right now.  Here is what hit me when I would lay my head down at night and wake up in the morning...I know I have a great wife...and a great daughter in teenager...but I have some great friends and I choose today to never take them for granted...when I say I am going to do something for them I more excuses of putting it off.  Or if I am "thinking" of doing something for them...I am just going to take action and do it...ENOUGH EXCUSES.

So my challenge to you is this...what kind of excuses are you creating in your head that you are avoiding?  Thinking you can handle them another day?  Imagine the freedom that will be liberated in you?  And the other side the "false friends" that you allow in your life just because...ENOUGH EXCUSES.

So in closing, and I hope I get them all...THANK YOU for making my weekend alone without kirowyf and teenager GREAT...the KCC team for allowing me to travel and share with this beautiful profession, our incredible practice members who support the vision of making our community the healthiest community, Derrell (so proud of you and your award, and seeing you on stage), Lisa, Jay and Casey...aka the TWIN TOWERS, Gilles, Fabrizio, Wanda Lee and Andrew, Peter...oh dude ONLY YOU, my twin brother Nate, Nick, your lovely bride and soon to be future DC, PG and Laurie, my EPIC family and all the members that came up...the luv, open arms and friendship is one word EPIC, Matt and Mikayla,  Garrett the G Man, P for checking in on, Billy D, Glow,  Terry, and finally the dude who has been great friend for years DJ and your awesome wife Nico!!! 

And the best news of all in about 2 hours I get to hug kirowyf...NO EXCUSES!!


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