
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hit the brakes....

I recently had the opportunity to be introduced to one of the leading experts in the field on ADD/ADHD, and as a result be invited to go thru the certification program to be a certified SHINE clinic, which stands for Special Help Integrating Neurological Experience, here in Omaha, Nebraska.
Have to tell you one simple word describes not only Dr. Hallowell, Dr Gentempo, the SHINE program and what I am learning WOW.
It is really sad as I dig deeper into the program of how society and the "experts" have treated this classification, not only know but in the past.  Up until recently this "classification" was physically abused by an elder, cause that is what was thot to be the best...up until Dr. Hallowell and the work he is doing, the "experts/elders/allopathetics" then chemically abused them...with drugs!!!  How sad to take of someone in this manner.
To paraphrase what I am learning, and that is what I am going to do in this post and others in which I discuss ADD/ADHD, this is not a disorder, but a trait...but the "experts" treat almost everything like a disease...and of course the course is drugs...yep that's going to solve it!!  WRONG!!!
These children and ADULTS are champions just waiting to be developed, as Dr. Hallowell says..."they have ferrai brains with bicycle brakes," and all we have to do is fix the brakes...and I am going to add to it, via Chiropractic we are not only going to fix brakes, let's make that engine fire just a bit more...and then as a result let's bring the best out of them...and create MASSVIE CHAMPIONS.
Think about this, how many great people out there have been surpressed because they were "not normal," and of course I would like to know what is normal...cause if it is like what society says, I don't want to BE normal...I choose to BE me and ONLY is what these traits of people possess and wow is all i can see: 1) Creative 2) Innovative 3) Thinking outside the box 4) Dreamers 5) Visionaries 6) Massively generous 7) Sensitive 8) Incredible sense of humor.  Think of any ADD/ADHD person you have met and they posses all of these traits...just, yes I meant to use the just, JUST at such a high level..remember their engine is going.
Anyone that you have know, and we have had the opporunity serve many, they are very strong in the above TRAITS..yes again, meant to use that word.  And if you listen to their parents or "educators" they say the same...but it is at such a BIG level that something has to slow them down.
Well, the "allopaths" instantly want to add more drugs...I mean honestly, think of the health problems out there today, really more drugs.  If drugs worked so good, and I love this it has helped high blood pressure, then how's come we still have such High Blood Pressure situations...if they worked so good people WHO ARE ON THE DRUGS would NOT be dying of it...look at the stats...another blog post down the road.
What we have in ADD/ADHD is this mass amount of energy, that is REALLY curious, a trait the world so deeply needs, this intense, burning curiosity and impulsivity and BIG time energy...combine those without brakes, well, you can figure it out.
So what we are going to do is put the brakes on, find their talents and unwrap this beautiful gift so these talents can be utilized instead of supressed with chemicals, yes I do agree, as does Dr. Hallowell it is a biological imbalance, but NOT given the solution by adding more drugs...NO...let's balance the chemisty and the brain...and open the champion in them.
So, we are offering this week, February 2 at THE SOURCE, 715 South 16th Street, Omaha, NE...a night spent discussing ADD/ADHD, and many more nights.  Throughout the series of Kiroman I am going to address this opening of Champions, and in the end humanity will be so much better off.
With that in mind...I wish for you to BE YOU!!

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