
Monday, November 5, 2012

Hard Hit..

Picked up our local newspaper this morning (Sunday) and on my way to the sports page came across the headlines in our "Midlands" about "Pertussis wracking up big numbers."  First thing I thought here we go another scare tactic by big pharma, guess what SPOT ON!!
Come on, with the Flu Scare, let's through another one at the public, oh wait more profit!!! How do these people sleep...I know in a REALLY BIG a REALLY BIG HOUSE with REALLY BIG BODY GUARDS protecting these pathological truth mistellers!!!
If the host is being the keep the "bugs"'s as simple as key way...SEE YOUR DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC...WHO ADJUSTS YOUR SPINE so you can maximize your full expression of life!!
Interesting "lines"from the article..with my personal opinion in italics..."Why are some places hit harder than others?  Officials say it's the luck of draw, because the disease spreads easily through coughs or sneezes."  Seriously "luck of the draw," yep that's about if you..the host is unhealthy, when they cough or sneeze around you, and your immune system is suppressed you will be more likely to not express life...oh wait, that doesn't sell magic potion!!
"Maybe a couple of people in a l0cale get whooping cough, don't cover their mouths when they sneeze, and wind up spreading the disease to others."  Okay "get" the only thing you get, well if you have heard me speak, you know what you get...but to clean it did the FIRST PERSON GET IT YOU DINK!!!  And based on that...then EVERYONE in sneezing distance would "GET" it and those that don't are the unlucky or ungetters...NO THEIR HOST WAS HEALTHY!!
"Officials blame the illness new vaccine, which has fewer side effects."  Wait there are side effects...but you say they are safe!!
The old vaccine sometimes made children seize.  Yea that's what I have my child SEIZE!!  Do you suppsose the reason behind this is to SELL MORE INJECTIONS and CREATE MORE PROFIT???
And the article ends with this proverbial statement..."the pertussis vaccine reduces the likelihood that you'll get it again, but it doesn't eliminate it."  READ THIS CLOSE reduce the likelihood but not eliminate...AGAIN HOW ABOUT KEEPING THE HOST HEALTHY!!
I close with this Kirworld...why do you suppose some get sick and some don't?  How about comparing non-vaccinated flareups with vaccinated flareups and that study done independently?  Just sayin....

Rock on...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Kids on Drugs...Are you serious??

I have to vent today after hearing several heartbreaking stories of children on mind-altering pharmaceutical prescriptions.  Namely schedule II classified controlled substances.  These include Ritalin, Adderall, Cocaine, Methadone, and Speed.  YES, you read that correctly...Ritalin is in the same classification as Cocaine!!
We are prescribing these drugs too kids at earlier ages than ever before and for reasons that are absolutely crazy at best!  I read an article from a very well-known newspaper recently where schools are giving these drugs to kids just so that they can get better grades in school!! ADD/ADHD, no attention issues, or hyperactivity...solely so that they can get better grades and school.   And the PARENTS are OK with this!!  What kind of world are we living in today??
These same drugs have been a HUGE part of every school and mall shooting over the last 10 years in our country.  Every one of the kids who has taken another human beings life has been on these drugs that can cause psycotic episodes, euphoria, and life-threatening outbursts!
This is not is becoming all too common in our world today.  This has to stop before we become a world of over-drugged, doped up zombies.  This is not how we were designed to live our lives and their is a much better way of dealing with this issue!  It's called living your life thru an optimally functioning Nerve System!! Get your spine and Nerve System checked TODAY!!
What do these drugs do to normal, healthy people??
Now You Know...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Up to YOU

So often we try to BE who we are not or blame someone or thing for what is determine your destiny, your thots and actions create what is happening to you.  So if you don't like it, simple change it.
It's as simple as this....YOUR DECISIONS, good or bad, will create ACTIONS...and then consequences occur.  And in my travels sharing with other Chiropractors I see this so often, and even in my life as well!!!  Yes, I confess, sometimes I cease decisions that are putting me in the direction I choose, or fall into the trap of "buying" into other people's decisions that create something I don't desire.
The key is recognizing those decisions before the trap gets out of control...but YOU can still get out of it, it just may take a little more time that you want.
Homework....THINK ON THIS...what decision can you make, RIGHT NOW, that will create ACTIONS that you can do, that will direct you toward your CONSEQUENCE?  Got it!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Message IS???

Now first...RELAX...I truly believe that we have to Eat...Move...and Think POSITIVE/GOOD...etc...BUT...yes I said's not what ChiropracTIC is...Chiropractic is about connected matter (the body) with it's intelligence (wisdom) and that is done thru the NERVE SYSTEM...THE FORCE!!
Why do I say this, our message is messed up...that's right messed...kept it "G", but if you know me, you know what I mean.  I have nothing against posting, talking, sharing, etc about proper nutrition, in case Jenna is reading this, but that is NOT what ChiropracTIC is!!!  It is about the NERVE SYSTEM and the ADJUSTMENT...and allowing th body to BE in harmony!!
Oh the why, it was a real kick in the gut this past Saturday, and this has been a conversation at the Koca Table, what Chiropractic IS, not nutrition, but ADJUSTING and freeing the force, all the other "stuff" is adjunct.  Oh yea, back to Saturday night, sharing with a group of ChiropracTIC leaders when Denis Waitley, yes him...this guy...  WOW IS WAHT I CAN SAY....
And he joins us for conversation, barring the cool stuff HE shared with us..another post, but when we told him we were Doctors of Chiropractic, after he said he LOVES CHIROPRACTIC and what we do for humanity...he then started saying how great eating good is and important it is, and that to paraphrase.."Chiropractors in the same breath as that." 
You see he said NOTHING about Chiropractors Adjusting...NOTHING, it was about nutrtion.  SO...guess what, no wonder the general public is confused...WE are sending a message of NOTHING about WHAT CHIROPRACTORS with tomorrow BEing the BIRTH of this great profession...I CHALLENGE ALL OF KIRONATION TO START EMPHASIZING WHAT WE DO, it's okay to talk nutrition, I probably will occassional..BUT WE ADJUST AND RESTORE HARMONY IN THE BODY THRU PROPERALY FUNCTIONING NERVES SYSTEM...Enuf said!!
Thank You Dr. Palmer for WHO you are...

Monday, August 20, 2012

True/False, Multiple Choice or Essay...

As school is starting up I'm intrigued by how the kids are excited for or loathing the first day back.  I see parents that are stressed and figuring out new schedules of how to get little Johnny to school, soccer practice and swim lessons.  There are so many challenges of time committments, work schedules and making healthy choices to eat right for the whole family.  My question is...when kids come home from school, do the parents ask, "how was your day?" or "what did you learn at school today?"

Children need to be positively encouraged and need questions that make them think. 

Prepping for tests was never easy...if there was an essay test we all studied a little more and a little harder not knowing what could be on the test. 

If it was an multiple choice test...maybe we skimmed through some chapters but we could weed out and figure out the answers and still pull a good grade.

If it was a true/false test/quiz...did we really study?

Apply those ideas to kids...if you ask them "how was their day?"... most answer "good" and keep playing video games.

BUT...if you know their favorite subject is science and ask what did you learn in biology today?  they will be EXCITED and their answer will be thoughtful and EPIC.  How will they feel if you know and ask about what they enjoy in school?

Do you want your childrens education to be "good"....or "EPIC"?

Think about what you ask and to whom...


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"I got 99 problems but my kids on drugs ain't one"

I read this quote today while skimming across my Facebook newsfeed.  It caught my attention as it is a parody of an old school rap song.  Then I looked at it again and realized that it meant much more than just being a funny line.
This is the reality for many people.  Children hooked on medications.  Parents addicted to pain killers.  Kids selling their prescription meds in school.  And these are the LEGAL drugs!
Sadly so much of this could be prevented and changed if people simply were told the truth.  The truth that drugs are never the answer.  Yes, they can save your life in a crisis, but they will NEVER create health.  They simply cause your body to weaken and depend on them more when taken long-term.
You see, your body was created with all the health it ever needed.  The Power inside our body that was there when we started as a sperm and an egg is still there now.  It resides inside of us and flows thru our nerves to every cell in our body making sure everything is working properly and at it's best!
This is why it is so important that we have a fully functioning nerve system.  When our brain can communicate thru nerves that are working at 100%, then the rest of our body functions at 100% too!  When there is nerve disturbance anywhere in the system it weakens the body to less than it's best.  This makes us more susceptible to sickness, disease and many other problems that are completely preventable.
A Chiropractic checkup is your best chance at preventing these problems and giving yourself the opportunity for an amazingly high quality of life!  Just Do It!!!
Now You Know...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Kids and Chiropractic

I was talking with my neighbor the other day and we got on the subject of children and their health.  She mentioned how it was really hard because you never know if your kids are going to be healthy or sick...she said 'you just have to hope for the best.'
I explained to her that our daughters were amazingly healthy and that we made choices that increased their potential to be healthy.  I listed Chiropractic among other things and she was noticeably confused.  She said 'but children don't have bad backs, do they?'
I explained to her how Chiropractic wasn't about bad backs and pain, but how your nerve system is the master control system of your body and how the healthier the nerve system is the better health potential you and your children have.  Her eyes began to get bigger as she started to understand the reality of what I was explaining to her.
You see, we don't see kids necessarily because they have anything wrong with them.  Nor do we see adults for that reason.  We actually see them because we want them to have the best life experience possible and the only way to do that is to have a nerve system that is free of interference and functioning at its highest potential.
Now you know...


Monday, June 25, 2012

It's not the Band Aid...

Have you ever wondered when you cut yourself how the body heals?  Or is it just me?  As a little boy I "used" to think that the band aid had the magic powers...when your parents put it on they had this special gift and this band aid would "heal" the injury...guess what...NOT TRUE!!
That gift resides within YOU...that in itself is the gift.  I mean how amazing is this, you possess the gift to recover...inside of YOU, and sadly...some, not all take it for granted without even realizing or even worse yet, taking proper care of that "thing" that helps you recover or "heal."
You see it's not the band-aid, the pill, the lotion or motion, or even the health care provider (although it does play a part, they have to be competant in respecting you and your ability to recover properly), it all comes down to YOU...the Master Machine.  How cool is that!!!
But what is the 'GIFT" that controls us..simple, it is YOUR NERVE SYSTEM, the master controller, it's not BIG PHARMA, is your inner response team.  And it not only controls the recovery of the body, it regulates YOU 100%...but what if it is not functioning properly?
Think for a bit, what if the thermostat in your refrigerator was not working right, what would happen to the "stuff" inside, how would that milk taste? got it, you just got that taste in your mind!!
Who focuses on your NERVE SYSTEM...WE do, Doctors of Chiropractic, so to make it simple, get your nerve system checked regularly, because you LIVE YOUR LIFE THROUGH YOUR NERVE SYSTEM...time to start LIVING...
It's As Simple As That...


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I ate a carrot..

It amazes me that if we think we just ate "good" that would be the key to good health...that is not the "key" is part of the plan...but if all you did was just "eat a carrot" or drink a healthy smoothie, but neglected the most important system in  your will NOT work.
I see this posted all over Facebook and other "things" on the internet, this, drink this or come to this class on how to live better.  And yes good fuel is important, but if you DO NOT HAVE THE POWER SUPPLY all that is useless.  If you do not have the power supply the "carrot" that you are eating to BE better just sits in your belly and rots...and then you become organic waste.
Lesson here...make sure that you get your most important system checked, and then if it is not functioning properly get adjusted by your Doctor of Chiropractic, with a Specific Adjustment to return the POWER see the most important system in your body is your NERVE SYSTEM...
If if is not right, the carrot is just plain a waste!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

I slept wrong??

Have you ever woke up with a toothache?  Have you ever woke up with a broken arm?  Have you ever woke up with neck pain...then said to yourself..."I must have slept wrong!"
So with that model, and we have all done it or heard it sometime in our life..then does that mean when you wake up feeling great...YOU MUST HAVE SLEPT RIGHT??!!?!?  That throws a completely different twist to things doesn't it?
Health and Ill-Health is not a wake up scenario...they are both due to accumulation.  Ill-health or Dis-ease is due to the bodies inability to continue to adapt to lifestyle stressors, i.e., the things that you do on a daily basis.  The three major categories are Mental...Physical...Chemical Stressors...when the bodies ability to adapt is beyond what it can handle, the tendency for you to "feel" it is reached.
Examples of Chemical Stressors are bad foods/processed foods, drugs, alcohol, coffee, etc, Physical Stressors are lack of exercise, sitting, improper exercise habits, slips, falls and Mentral Stressors are life..the stuff that we mentally think about ALL the times and do nothing about them...then think we can go to sleep and it goes away.  It doesn't...because the subconcsious brain is still thinking about is always. there.
Then what happens is these ALL accumulate, time after time, day after day, we "think" when we shut our eyes it does away, will get better OR worse yet, take some type of pill to "feel" better when in all reality YOU are doing nothing to address the cause.
Here is the quandry that society has fallen into, by great marketing by Big Pharma...and the neat butterfly that lands on your don't feel right, THERE HAS TO BE A PILL or POTION FOR IT....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Stop that madness, because you are acutally masking the cause, doing nothing to address the REASON your life is being less lived that it's potential.
So my question to you is two fold...we are aware that you cannot wake up FEELING great because you slept "right"..why would you think just the opposite, because it is not bad luck that you "slept" in that position...bad bed? and when your health is not right why do you add a drug?  Because I cannot understand that?
What I would like you to sit down and evaluate where you want to BE in 5 years from now in your health, contact one of THE BOYZ...Dr. Koca, Francoeur and Price and let us know so WE can BE a part of your change...WE LOVE GOOD NEWS and VISION!!
And cease thinking that because you "slept wrong" you woke up unhealthy, because remember you don't "sleep right" and wake up feeling great...although you can wake up feeling great, but that is other factors involved!!!
And realize that today YOU have a choice in your health and families life, and enjoying the benefits of the Chiropractic Lifestyle can be HUGE in assisting you...WE relish that opportuntity!!

BE much easier!!


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Happiness...what creates happiness? Is it getting better at something or is it being less of something?  Neither because you are always's the journey that brings you happiness, not the destination.

So many people, including myself up until a few years ago, are so focused on that end-point, the destination, that will provide the with happiness, that they lose the joy along the way...the DO of who they are working to BE or the HAVE.

So as I share with you today, and you can start DOing today, start your journey and along the path happiness surrounds you in all forms, look around, silence your mind and open your heart and you will see happiness all around you.

It took me years to figure this out, and the last few months I have deeply begun to focus on my journey, and as I go on this journey, I am documenting the process, journaling MY personal destination, there is joy in that process, but there is far greater joy in reviewing the process. Both allow me to ENJOY the moment, as I am doing and reflecting.

Each day you are on a journey, you are creating your legacy, you just don't know what it will bring, but what you can know is to start enjoying the journey, each day have soulful happiness in your journey, BE here right now, BE present with the moment and silence yourself to that moment.  Keep silent in your mind, remove the noise, or better yet don't even allow the noise IN and the day, the journey will be pure happiness.

Have complete disregard to the toxins or "plastic" around you that is attempting, but YOU are stopping, come into your mind, because YOU have committed today to enjoying the journey, knowing that your destination is YOUR legacy.

Know that right now, if you are asked where are you, your reply is HERE, and who are you...ME and the journey becomes YOUR.

BE, have fun...


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Can't BUY It...

You can't "BUY" it but you can earn it "BUY" creating pure authentic value into the lives of's as simple as that.  Sadly in our society of today the plastic is taking over, I don't mean the plastic that is floating around creating the pollution we have in the world...oh wait I do...the "plastic" is creating pollution in the world!!!

But the plastic that is taking over the world, and WE are going to melt the plastic and mold a new a better, simple BE who you are and WHO you wish to BE.  The plastic that refuses to change, let it go, and soon that plastic will become obsolete, and guess what, they know it, they just don't want to change.  So what that plastic will do will just hang on to the fence and blow in wind and become annoying, to the point that soon it will change into what is right or will be "picked" up and recycled.

Creating the value into the lives of others, instead of "BUYING" it is easy, BE the best version of you to everyone, extend that hand, accept others for who they are and if the plastic does not want to accept ( and they may blow into your yard and attempt to pollute you or bring more garbage with them...cause it does happen that way...just know that soon, OBSOLETE will be their new definition) and then start molding and creating a new and better world.

Now, try this...shut off the noise in your head, cease listening to the trash that is in your mind and it keeps polluting your mind.  Silence yourself as much as you can, and this process will take time, energy and work, but that's the beauty of it...when you silence the noise of you and BEgin to listen to the beauty around you, i.e., the sound of water, the noise grass makes in the wind, leaves moving with nature, the laughter of children, or the "noise" that occurs in the embrace of a friend or loved word occurs EPIC!!!

Do this a 10-15 minutes per day, daily, then soon you become excited to the peace that it brings you, the tranquility that occurs and a whole new world that is created for you.  And better yet...the garbage that the plastic continues to throw your way, doesn't matter..then that is when PEACE occurs in you...then you begin to "earn" the life you deserve and will melt those around you to create the life they deserve.

As BJ Palmer, DC said "It's as Simple as that," so today to cease making it so hard and create simplicity.

And more importantly YOU make everything about something, and watch what happens.

BE YOU, have fun...


Monday, April 23, 2012


Free your mind.  I first heard those words 13 years ago and "thought" I knew what they meant, and have recited those very words for the past 13 years ago acting like a "Ninja" thinking I got it!!

It wasn't until recently that I actually started to get it, and know those words have more meaning than ever.  Now I am still no Ninja in BEing them, but rather I am a Ninja in training and have declared with boldness that I am dedicated the remainder of my life FREEING MY MIND.  So along this path, every now and then I am going to share with you lessons learned, and wish that you too will free your mind.

The new words that I choose to live with is this..."free your mind and your life will follow."   What happens with so many, and maybe not you, but with me and others I have met, is they wish to live they life they feel will please others or what they "think" society or the culture wants them to.  Instead choose to live your life, the path that you wish to live.  And with society if we do that there is the this fear that others may laugh at you or scold you...which they may do in a group setting, but in the quiet times alone they are crying and wishing they could walk that path, their public judging is their way of "wishing."

What I did, and this may not work for you, or you may think what does this dude know, your call, but what I am sharing is what I found gave me clarity, is turn the volume up, listen to the music, change the frequency to the radio station you want to jam to, and the static will go away, and the tunes are great.

Start BEing spontaneous with life, instead of doing what you may think is culturally acceptable to fit in, STOP, BE you 100% of the time, and have some fun, I DARE YOU...and then guess what, YOU BEcome happy, instead of walking thru life like a zombie, but happy to fit in.  Guess what I know...I was that zombie, until recently, and I am tired of sleeping and living.

When you decide to BEcome you and become a human BEing living extraordinary, you start living...then you wake up. 

So free your mind and your life will follow...and others will choose to follow too.  There is this saying, what else do you have to lose, I say will lose you and I don't want anyone to lose themselves anymore, it's time bring joy back....and bring YOU back, because YOU are worth it.



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Keep it REALly YOU....

Without a doubt one of my biggest pet peeves is when one tries to BE what they are not or say/do one thing, but in all reality they are BEing another when one is not seeing.  As Ayn Rand would say, that is a contradiction, and contradictions lead to destruction.
Examples in Chiropractic:  A few weeks ago I attended a seminar, and it is sad to see the direction of my beloved profession going NOT where DD (the founder of ChiropracTIC) wanted it to go.  And to follow up with that, as I drive around towns and see the windows and ads of ChiroPOSERS that say EVERYTHING but CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS in their message...really!!!  Come on, be proud, enjoy what you do, play big at what YOU do...HONOR what the 683 who were imprisoned for you to do.
Example...I know of a ChiroPOSER in my home town that claims to "be" a principled Chiropractor...that means they adjust and avoid the other stuff...massage, accupuncture and foot baths...but they have run ads for foot baths, and in the fine print they will do a nerve screening on you...and in speaking with a member of their business they  said that they did it for money...yes to make money.  Now I am not saying that creating wealth is bad, because when there is value creation all is good... I STRESS VALUE CREATION....but when you are doing something but saying another via your mouth or in your business model...that is a CONTRADICTION.  Simply put you are being a poser!!!  NO!!!  Not allowed!!! this from my friend Dr. Jeff cannot change the rules of the game for your convenience.  As it is basketball season, but I want to play differently, I don't want to dribble the ball and I want to slam into people at will, but have more than 5 people on my team,  the hoops lowered for me and raised for the opponent..and still call it basketball.  NOT POSSIBLE...because then it would NOT be called would be called something completely different.  And the same goes for cannot change the "rules" for you and expect to still call it basketball..if insist on that, then it is called a ChiroPOSER.
Okay, now for the non-Chiropractor.  Facebook amazes me...great tool, but can also be to your disadvantage.  Posting one thing, such as you as you wish to grow your wallet one person at time, or that you are looking out for the greater good of humanity, but then acting differently, or choosing who you do this for... is a contradiction..and it will create destruction in your life.  And without knowing WHY...but there is a reason.
One of the "things" I continue to work on and invest in is ME...without a doubt my greatest investment is me and who I am...from books, audio, viewing, to hiring a "Coach" who has congruent values across the board and to who I associate with...and to be acutely aware of when I become out of balance...and it's an ongoing and eye opening process.
In closing I would like to make it simple...BE AUTHENTICALLY you at all times, stop hiding behind things, people, etc...make your life the no poser zone, and watch how your life happens.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stop Shoulding on Yourself...

How often when you have those moments of "quiteness," where the cell phones are off, no checking emails and you are actually in a moment of quiet...guess in today's fast paced society that means when you are sleeping.
So before I go any further, feel compelled to let you need those quiet moments in your life where you can reflect, imagine and envision...where you create your life future.  We get caught up in the moments of life, and we forget to take time to dream, before reading any further pull out your planner or cell phone, and create time to dream.  Imagine if you dedicated just, yes I said that word JUST (my major pet peeve minimizing word) set aside 20-30 per day to dream...create your future.  IMAGINE what you would create.  My challenge to you is do this, bare minimum of 2-3 days per week, and WOW could you create a life of whatever you wanted!!!
Stop reading...create time to dream..and wow!!  As Robin Sharma says, "Life's ultimate freedom is living life on our own terms."
With that in mind, back to "SHOULDING." We do that when we lay in bed and reflect on the days "I should have done...."  Well today is your wake up call, how long and how often do you wish to "should," draw the line in the sand, and eliminate regrets.  The beauty of what we get to do in life is create our days, to some extent, granted you cannot control everything, but at least create the foundation fo your days and life.
For health, kind of personal to me, I sadly see everyday Chronic conditions that were very much avoidable.  I cannot recall the source of the article, but I have read where 90% of the health care dollar is spent in the last 6 months of life for Chronic Avoidable conditions.  Just think, you have the choice to live your best life, by making better lifestyle choices.
Life does not come in a bottle..injection...some liquid...Life comes from inside of you.  You create YOU...instead of laying on the couch and thinking about exercising, get up TODAY, right now and start that program.  Instead of picking up the can of Pepsi, grab a bottle of water, instead of eating those few doritos, grab the apple.
I hear so often how people want to change, but yet we make it to complicated, big believer of simplicity and want to make it so you can WIN on each step, and of course have fun.
Homework, look back 3-5 years ago, and think, did you ponder on choosing different health choices, but did not, now think forward 3-5 years, imagine how you will be, will it be better or worse if you don't change?  Today is your wakeup call, start choosing to BE different today.
And this can go into your mental outlook, instead of choosing to be around those stinkin thinkin people, that continue to drag you down, and you have regrets associating with them, do what my wife did, she fired them from her life.  Just think when you release that negative person, it frees you and it frees them...and everyone wins.
Tonight, write down your dream time and pick 3 simple things you want to change in your life, and of course add regular Chiropractic Care!!
Choose to BE the best you...
Dr. Lyle

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hit the brakes....

I recently had the opportunity to be introduced to one of the leading experts in the field on ADD/ADHD, and as a result be invited to go thru the certification program to be a certified SHINE clinic, which stands for Special Help Integrating Neurological Experience, here in Omaha, Nebraska.
Have to tell you one simple word describes not only Dr. Hallowell, Dr Gentempo, the SHINE program and what I am learning WOW.
It is really sad as I dig deeper into the program of how society and the "experts" have treated this classification, not only know but in the past.  Up until recently this "classification" was physically abused by an elder, cause that is what was thot to be the best...up until Dr. Hallowell and the work he is doing, the "experts/elders/allopathetics" then chemically abused them...with drugs!!!  How sad to take of someone in this manner.
To paraphrase what I am learning, and that is what I am going to do in this post and others in which I discuss ADD/ADHD, this is not a disorder, but a trait...but the "experts" treat almost everything like a disease...and of course the course is drugs...yep that's going to solve it!!  WRONG!!!
These children and ADULTS are champions just waiting to be developed, as Dr. Hallowell says..."they have ferrai brains with bicycle brakes," and all we have to do is fix the brakes...and I am going to add to it, via Chiropractic we are not only going to fix brakes, let's make that engine fire just a bit more...and then as a result let's bring the best out of them...and create MASSVIE CHAMPIONS.
Think about this, how many great people out there have been surpressed because they were "not normal," and of course I would like to know what is normal...cause if it is like what society says, I don't want to BE normal...I choose to BE me and ONLY is what these traits of people possess and wow is all i can see: 1) Creative 2) Innovative 3) Thinking outside the box 4) Dreamers 5) Visionaries 6) Massively generous 7) Sensitive 8) Incredible sense of humor.  Think of any ADD/ADHD person you have met and they posses all of these traits...just, yes I meant to use the just, JUST at such a high level..remember their engine is going.
Anyone that you have know, and we have had the opporunity serve many, they are very strong in the above TRAITS..yes again, meant to use that word.  And if you listen to their parents or "educators" they say the same...but it is at such a BIG level that something has to slow them down.
Well, the "allopaths" instantly want to add more drugs...I mean honestly, think of the health problems out there today, really more drugs.  If drugs worked so good, and I love this it has helped high blood pressure, then how's come we still have such High Blood Pressure situations...if they worked so good people WHO ARE ON THE DRUGS would NOT be dying of it...look at the stats...another blog post down the road.
What we have in ADD/ADHD is this mass amount of energy, that is REALLY curious, a trait the world so deeply needs, this intense, burning curiosity and impulsivity and BIG time energy...combine those without brakes, well, you can figure it out.
So what we are going to do is put the brakes on, find their talents and unwrap this beautiful gift so these talents can be utilized instead of supressed with chemicals, yes I do agree, as does Dr. Hallowell it is a biological imbalance, but NOT given the solution by adding more drugs...NO...let's balance the chemisty and the brain...and open the champion in them.
So, we are offering this week, February 2 at THE SOURCE, 715 South 16th Street, Omaha, NE...a night spent discussing ADD/ADHD, and many more nights.  Throughout the series of Kiroman I am going to address this opening of Champions, and in the end humanity will be so much better off.
With that in mind...I wish for you to BE YOU!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Enough Excuses...

How often do you wake up early on a morning and say today.."I am going to..." and then as the day goes on you become the master of excuses?  And if you are reading this and saying not me...I challenge your paradigm, because we all have done it at some time in our life or are still doing it...and if you say NOT ME, NEVER...kiroman is calling you out, because you are not all that.

Little aggressive and intense to start out?  But I just spent that past few days with 4000 Chiropractors and Staff, listened to some powerful speakers, shared with some DC's and staff, and spent time with some dear friends in Chiropractic...the latter of which I am eternally grateful for the friendship. 

Why...I made this long 4 days without kirowyf and teenager, and that is hard.  But the DC's and wives that made sure I wasn't going to be lonesome without kirowyf, and I was, because I am headed home early on one of those night flights where I am the only one with his light on!!!  Kind of like that kid that wants to come home from camp early!!

My lesson learned, well take that, of the lessons learned, but the ones I want to hit home on...and not really a Chiropractic topic, but it does fall into the mental aspect of those that are your friends, make sure they know how you feel when they do things for you.

Stop making excuses that you will do something "nice" for them someday or next time...make it this time right now.  Here is what hit me when I would lay my head down at night and wake up in the morning...I know I have a great wife...and a great daughter in teenager...but I have some great friends and I choose today to never take them for granted...when I say I am going to do something for them I more excuses of putting it off.  Or if I am "thinking" of doing something for them...I am just going to take action and do it...ENOUGH EXCUSES.

So my challenge to you is this...what kind of excuses are you creating in your head that you are avoiding?  Thinking you can handle them another day?  Imagine the freedom that will be liberated in you?  And the other side the "false friends" that you allow in your life just because...ENOUGH EXCUSES.

So in closing, and I hope I get them all...THANK YOU for making my weekend alone without kirowyf and teenager GREAT...the KCC team for allowing me to travel and share with this beautiful profession, our incredible practice members who support the vision of making our community the healthiest community, Derrell (so proud of you and your award, and seeing you on stage), Lisa, Jay and Casey...aka the TWIN TOWERS, Gilles, Fabrizio, Wanda Lee and Andrew, Peter...oh dude ONLY YOU, my twin brother Nate, Nick, your lovely bride and soon to be future DC, PG and Laurie, my EPIC family and all the members that came up...the luv, open arms and friendship is one word EPIC, Matt and Mikayla,  Garrett the G Man, P for checking in on, Billy D, Glow,  Terry, and finally the dude who has been great friend for years DJ and your awesome wife Nico!!! 

And the best news of all in about 2 hours I get to hug kirowyf...NO EXCUSES!!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's NOT about YOU!!

I totally have to share this with you all...know this is a "COPY" of something I read and not a real blog...but it hit a "nerve," no pun intended as a Doctor of Chiropractic with so many things directly in MY profession and indirectly in my profession.

This is a "reprint" from John Maxwell...from his powerful book "The Maxwell Daily Reader," which is a must read to start your morning. My advice, what I do, my associate does and those directly connected enjoy...

"Too often we think that if we can impress others, we will gain influence with them. We want to become others' heroes--to be larger than life. That creates a problem because we're real live human beings. People can see us for who we really are. If we make it our goal to impress them, we puff up our pride and end up being pretentious--and that turns people off.

If you want influence others, don't try to impress them. Pride is really nothing more than a form of selfishness, and pretense is only a way to keep people at arm's length so that they can't see who you really are. Instead of impressing others, let them impress you.

It's really a matter of attitude. The people with charisma, those who attract others to themselves, are individuals who focus on others, not themselves. They ask questions of others. They listen. they don't try to be the center of attention. And they never try to pretend they're perfect."

Read this Sunday, and it became very transformational to me, because YES, I fall into that trap and thank goodness I have accountability partners, my wife and friends who bring me back to Earth!!

Wish you the best...

LIVE to BE you,

Dr. Lyle

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Time to get your E.S.S. in shape

How you start your year is how you end your year...wouldn't it be much easier to decide how your year is going to start?  Even take it a step further...wouldn't it be much more fun to have a "say" in your life, versus have something or someone decide it for you, kind of like getting leftovers.

Now leftovers are not all that bad, but I would much rather order the "meal" I want.  Sadly most people don't realize that they are in control of their lives, we have allowed ourselves to become "sheeple" and just take what we can get.

So guess what, why not decide TODAY...make the decision for you and your family to live the life you decide.  Because whether you like it or not, there is a very good chance you are going to live 100 the year 2040 it has been stated that those living to 100 years old, that part of the population will grow by 745%...that's right 745%!!!  So whether you like it or not, you are going to live older than you realized, you possess the make the decision, you can do it in diapers or out of diapers...preferably option B!!

Are you thinking yet, here is one for you, look at your oldest living relative, a friends living relative, or someone you know that is 80+, are they as healthy as they want to BE, are they living the life they wanted?  I am willing to bet, granted yes, there are those that may disagree, but I am willing to say they have healthcare decisions they wish they would have eliminate regret, start today to make those conscious decisions of right choices.

Believe me I July for some odd reason I chose to stop working out regularly, and guess what I added something...weight, and don't like it.  As a result I have made the decision to start the journey of getting my ESS in shape, and you are invited to come with's really simple.  Small little decisions along the way to create the me I want. 

As I made this decision to let my ESS "grow" not how I wanted I realized that I was living in contradiction, was hardcore on my mental aspect...reading and listening to "things" that grow me, but make the conscious decisions to "grow" me physically.

NO MORE...and I am asking you before next week to make three conscious decisions you are going to BE and DO to get your ESS in shape....and we do have help at the clinic, we have New Year...New You packets, with simple tests for you to stop by and get one.

And we have mega-classes to help you grow, we have audios to listen too and download, our web page and facebook page for you, you will see Twitter postings to incite you...we have made it all very simple for you to BE the better you...just subscribe to them and ask us for help.

Subscribe to the links below....

BEing your AdvantEDGE,

Dr. Lyle