
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just BE fair

So for those who don't know, I enjoy sports...Basketball and Football!!!  Last night I watched the Texas A&M and Nebraska football game, and yes we were cheering for Nebraska!!!  Here is what I observed during the game and post game...during the game, and not being biased here, cause I do love my Horns...but the "calls" of the game were not going the way you would want.  I am not saying that none of the penalties called should have been made, as there were miscues by Nebraska, however I did observe it was not fair.
I will give a lot of credit to the kids playing, they kept playing and not showing a tremendous amount of frustration, for that I am impressed.  What I did observe was the coaching staff expressing an extreme amount of displeasure, during the game and post game.  And the media after the game and the next day were very critical of the staff.
Well here is my take, I was not.  What the coaching staff was expressing was their passion for "what was right," as the kids were their to follow the rules and listen to those "who knew better," and just kept accepting what the rule makers were doing.  However, the coaching staff felt the rules were not fair and they were very willing to express that, as they were standing up for their "kids."  Good for I would want the same and will DO the same for my "kids," you the practice member!!  I 100% support what the coaching staff did, even though it " was not correct," but someone has to be willing to stick their neck out, or the takers will take more!!!
We do the same for YOU at Koca Chiropractic Clinic...myself, Dr. Francoeur, Shawn, Blaike, Alison and Krystal...we just want "IT" to be fair.  Cause our focus is YOU getting what is "right in the world," not what is right for someone else...just play by the "real" rules, not the rules that are made up for the benefit of someone else!!!
This past week here is just a couple of observations...had a practice member last Monday tell me that a physical therapist tell him that by going to a Doctor of Chiropractic and getting "manipulated" (we adjust, moron doesn't even know what we do), that it will cause the ligaments to stretch...really you dipstick!!! I mean really, how is that possible...let me see, what do you do, oh wait you actively and passively stretch the joint and YOU DO ATTEMPT to do what we do...but yet you have the gall to say that!!! Was that for your benefit or the practice members...this statement from the same dink that just recently the physical terrothy (yes I meant that) tried to get licensed to do what we do...and lost!!!  Really just play fair...we refer to this profession, as they provide a benefit, but we do NOT do what do, nor attempt...cause our focus is YOUR health!!
Then Tuesday morning I was in the St. Louis airport coming back from a speaking engagement, and I committed a sin...I read the newspaper, the USA Today.  Prior to reading this I was sitting by a young lady who worked for a business that worked to improve hospitals, so of course she knew everything about the Chiropractic profession...just ask her, cause well she did, cause she worked for the medical profession!!! As I was sitting there the front page of the USA today had an article that had a study in which 15,000 Medicare patients DIE in the hospital per MONTH due to errors!!!  LET ME EXPLAIN AGAIN 15,000 per month!!! And this is the real kicker, they called them ADVERSE EVENTS..cannot even say what they are, its called murder by mistake!!!
So naturally I asked the smart person what she felt about this, she stated I didn't understand, of course it was simple to me, an error made cost someone their grandparent.  Of course this hits home with me, because my wife does not have her father here because of a medical error, not an adverse event.  The only adverse event is the the morons that committed this atrocity still have their license!!!
So here is what I ask, play fair, play by the a practice member of ours, ask questions!!  For that much ask questions of ALL of your health care providers, if they don't know or won't find out...find a different one.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve you and participate in your health.  Thank you very much.
Blessed to BE a part of your life.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chemisty Lesson

A couple of "principles" to start out..."The Major Premise,"  A Universal Intelligence is in ALL matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence(Principle One).  What does this mean?  Pretty simple, in all matter, living for that much there exists "that something" which allows "it" to function and maintain its living presence...for example a non-living person cannot heal, regenerate tissue, but if a living human does cut themselves it heals.  In addition you do not have to go to Target to purchase the items to "heal" it will do it, INNATELY.
Hmmm...that word INNATE?  What in the world is this, another one of those goofy words that those really smart real doctors turn their nose to.  Or does this word have meaning?  Going back to the first paragraph and just some plain common sense, there is "something" that exists in all living creatures that maintains its existence(Principle 27).  With that in mind, wouldn't it make sense that when man was created or evolved, regardless, we were to maintain our existence and not rely on computers or pharmacies?
That INNATE is "always normal and its function is always normal."  Makes sense to me!!  I would be very willing to debate with anyone that we were put here to BE anything other than normal...there is no other reason NOT to be...unless of course you are BIG PHARMA!!!  Normal to them is MORE drugs!!
Which leads me to this.  As I was preparing for our upcoming talk on the flu..."Flies Don't Cause" garbage and in the process listening to the great Reggie Gold, DC, got to thinking about Chemistry!!!
The human body is a massive Chemical Reaction..MASSIVE.  The process of daily events, whether good or bad, are continually requiring the body to create Chemical reactions to maintain its existence (Principle 1) and in the continuum of this process this "intelligence" is always striving for normal, its function is always normal (Principle 27), which means it is always in the process to create that perfect environment for the body...with Chemistry in YOU.
So why in the world does BIG PHARMA think they are smarter than the body...and why do "they" think that the body in a state of distress...weakness...NEED a synthetic chemistry?  Wouldn't it make more sense to find out why the body is in a state of distress...create a return to normality FIRST.  But nope, for the sake of the pocket book and the health of YOU and your children's health (epigenetics..remember that word cause in the future I will address this) they want to dump chemicals into the body right away, and then when Principle 27 occurs as a result of this, more chemistry, then more chemistry, etc!!!  You see, after you add the first insult (drugs) innate will try to balance out, and the cycle occurs...if we trust what the body is trying to tell you...amazing events will happen.
Which leads me to another observation...this yearly scare of..."GET YOUR FLU SHOT OR ELSE...DOOM AND GLOOM...YOU KNOW CONSEQUENCE CARE!!" First of all, we have everything inside of us to create normal...see previous paragraphs!!!  And when do you see a bird drop out of the sky full of maggots (sorry)...nope you only see them on diseased/dead tissue.  Or as Dr. Donka would say flies don't cause garbage, the flies are there for a reason, get rid of the crud!!!
Here are a couple of really neat chemicals that the "smart ones" throw into the vaccines which are injected into your body...Squalene and Thimerosal.  First Squalene, NOT FDA approved for use in ANY vaccines, but was used in the Anthrax vaccine given to US servicemen and women in the Gulf War.  Thimerosal, a mercury derivative and known neurotoxin that negatively impacts the Central Nerve System, is very hard on the kidneys and causes many known birth defects.
Here is some advice...prior to dumping this into your body, ask the dumper to describe everything that is in the cocktail they are going to serve you or the pill you get to ingest, if they don't know and they don't know the direct effects (not side, because you only get them if you take it) then they should not be giving it to you!!!
So here is something crazy, why not give YOUR attention to keeping the host healthy by maintaining healthy lifestyles and keeping the brain/body function (the nerve system) functioning to its optimal?  Think of the possibilities!!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Stand for What YOU believe in...

A braintrust, dear friend and fellow Chiropractor told me about a year ago, when I was on one of my rants about allopathy and their lack of respect for humanity told me....stand three times stronger for what you believe and let it all sort out, and I am working at it.  Almost said I am trying, but try means that you are just not committed to doing it, and the only thing you do effectively by trying is sleeping!
It is my feeling  that you should fight for your own principles, you should have a code of ethics...a vision...values that you will stick your feet in the ground and you will not budge.  Called having courage.  Sometimes when you do the "right thing" it creates that "unpopularity that the uncourageous or the weanies will not like, example...sending letters to you that do not have a signature or return address or posting a response without using their name or email....hmm examples that I will address later. Stand strong for right is right and moral!!!
But you have to have the courage to take a stand, without flinching or retreating even when it is unpopular and NOT flinch...obviously I am talking here when that courage is of HIGH MORAL VALUE and is a massive WIN for humanity!!!!  Moral courage will challenge that risk on your principles, don't ever lose your principles, as they are your authentic blueprint of WHO you are on the inside.  So take a stand and hold strong on your values and principles and don't fold.
Where I am going with this...I love this profession of ChiropracTIC so strong that I will take a stand for what IT is.  The IT is what it is all about, what is YOUR IT.  IT is your line in the sand, where do you draw.  The IT to me is what allows humanity to live the lifestyle of THEIR dreams, to allow humanity to live a lifestyle to their full potential.  For some reason we have grown to believe that adding chemistry to the body makes it run body, "BS," now before the panic hits (on both sides) there are times that allopathic intervention is required, but at the rate that we are going, enuf...better life through better chemisty, that model is well, STUPID.  Do you really believe that AMERICAN home sapiens were genetically made as we evolved to need for narcotics, let's think back to our great-grandparents, they did NOT require the mass amount of "new and improved drugs" as they aged, but today we do...if we continue down this path can you imagine the amount that "the experts" will say we "need!" Time to change and change fast, this new generation of kids, for the first time, have a lower life expectancy than their's and dad's here is your line in the sand.
I firmly believe that the ChiropracTIC adjustment does things beyond what we can even fathom on what is  occuring in the body...and that you are sooo better off with and adjustment than without one.  Not just for the aspect of pain, what I mean is you do NOT have to have "pain" to get adjusted...what we do is utilize the Insight Subluxation Station to measure the FUNCTION of the body, if there is evidence of a subluxation, not just pain, then an adjustment should be performed to allow the body to adapt better to it's external environment.
But if we do not address the stress factors that the body is being exposed too and reduce or eliminate them, well the subluxations will continue and evolve, to what I do not KNOW???  It is our responsibility as DOCTORS  of ChiropracTIC to educated the practice member on the LIFE, because part of the DOCTOR "title" is to educate, NOT dictate (leave that to the allopaths) on what is going on with the practice members lead them to a better lifestyle.  If ALL (and for those who wish to blow a gasket...I mean this in the manner that there is MORE to do for our practice members and relax) we are doing is getting a person out of pain...and when that pain factor sets in, it does feel good, but there is more, if we do NOT address the incorrect lifestyle choices, won't the subluxation return??  Should you not break the pattern of poor lifestyle choices to improve life, after all isn't that what ChiropracTIC is all about?
Our office is proud to be affiliated with an organization that our practice members can contact to be their Wellness Coach, to allow them, at their own lesiure contact someone who is engaged in positive lifestyle choices, to increase the lasting results of the Spinal Adjustment...believe it or not I received a letter with a non-return, NOT signed by a local Chiropactor...sadly I know who it is cause I recognize his handwriting mocking our office for taking that next step....saying that what we do is BS. see I stand strong for what I believe, that in addition to delivering a Spinal Adjustment that my practice members
 deserve more and it is MY belief that we should coach them to better lifestyle choices, so we created an alliance with a organization that Coaches people to that...and WE proudly endorse that with our signature, we are NOT afraid post our name it.
You see some in the public are actually more afraid of their own limitations and to make an excuse for that limitation they knock down those who BELIEVE in what they are doing, you know an excuse that you give is a lie that you believe is true.  Or as Zig Ziglar says and excuse is only made to please are you happy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's as Simple as That...

The body is a self regulating, self maintaining organism that is in complete control of the master control..THE NERVE SYSTEM!!!  If the nerve system is interfered with the bodies ability to regulate and maintain, well pretty simple does not occur efficiently, it's as simple as that!!!
But here is what is scary, the masses do not understand the simple foundation of how our bodies tend to break down or start to function to less than 100%, and we just accept the fact that it is "supposed" to happen.  And when this "supposed" to happen, happens, the answer comes in some form of narcotics...another motion, lotion or potion...yep that's it the answer to good health is like rubbing the a bottle and out she pops when the answer to health..just like in the old tv show "I Dream of Jeannie." 
Never mind the fact that MEDICAL ERRORS rank right up there with the best for DEATH in this country!!!  And this is avoidable. In addition it has been stated that 90% of the "sick" care dollar is spent in the last 6 months of your life, for CHRONIC diseases...these are diseases that are avoidable, and the same diseases that humanity has had narcotics shoved down their throat for!!! is estimated that by 2o5o sick care will cost 5 TRILLION dollars in this country...this all can be reduced and for the most part avoided!
I heard Dr. Reikmann state that 83% of Chiropractors refer to allopaths, i.e., they refer their practice members to them for care, but only 17% of allopaths will refer to CHIROPRACTORS.  Wonder why that is...freakin ego, that's what it is.  In my 20+ years in practice I hear it daily,"my medical doctor doesn't think I should be here, or he doesn't believe in you (same dorks that give their belief in chemicals versus the bodies outstanding potential) or I have tried everything but my medical doctor won't send me to you."  Comes down to ego, not what is right for the see the body always knows what to do, we just have to hear what it is telling us...and the time is TODAY!!!
This is how cool the body is...have you ever forgot anything, you know you go to store and on your way home you realize that you forgot something or you have to make a list...happens to all of us.  But here is what is soooo cool...the body does NOT forget, it always knows what to do.  Imagine if your body forgot to say, filter your blood at the right time or the brain decided not to send that impulse to the rest of the body to tell it what to do at that precise doesn't, the body always knows.  WHY???
Innate intelligence, that's why...we were born to BE healthy and function fully, we were NOT born to require the assistance of narcotics or the removal of organs as we age, unlike what America allopathy thinks...or that our nations youth need more stinking drugs in their beautiful little bodies!!!
What creates our body not to work "right?"  Our poor lifestyles..pretty simple.  We induce such physical, chemical and emotional stressors on our bodies, that they have to adapt in a way to protect us, they have to adapt...that adaptive process, that WE as Doctors of Life/Health look for is callled the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
Here is a simple way to look at it...we have a refrigerator full of food, we overload the circuit that the frig plugs into, it BLOWS!!!    We keep tripping the breaker or in worst case scenarios we don't know until we open it up and smell stinky food!!
What do you do, I know add more chemicals to the outlet, no remove the outlet and say heck with it!!  No, I got it, just put new food in...none of this works does it...that's called the medical is failing and it costs a ton of cash!!! Bad idea!!
Why not find out why it is blowing...remove that stressor, maintain that circuit, monitor the frig, it's temperature...wouldn't that be more cost effective...that's called Chiropractic!!! 
A subluxation is a disturbance in your nerve system, the same nerve system that regulates the human body, the first system developed in you as you are "growing" in mom's tummy, the only system encased FULLY in bone and last system to get checked..well no more!!
I am challenging everyone to get their nerve system checked, make sure it is functioning to IT'S full ability, and if not find out why and get it taken care of!!  Because if the subluxation were not corrected what do you think will happen to your health 5 years from now..10 years from now or more??  I don't like chances when I know there is a solution..remember the body never forgets, it knows what to do and the body is controlled by the nerve system...not BIG PHARMA!!
It's as simple as that....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

WE are taking it ONE step further--for YOU!!

Here is what I have learned from the best selling author and my dear friend Gary Ryan Blair, exceed all expectations, go that extra mile, it's what makes you IT...and we your health, lifestyle and wellness team at Koca Chiropractic Clinic do for you..we just went that extra mile.

As I travel across the United States, in last 4 days have been in Minneapolis, Omaha, Chicago and Newark...yes, ready to be home.  But what I have found that I strive for a healthy obsession for ABOVE outstanding customer service and we work to exceed our promises for you, the greatest practice members on the planet.  We constantly keep up with developments in our field and other fields that we can apply for you...which is what I did this past weekend.  Spent the last two days with Alex Mandossian..pretty simple wow!!!

So before I share with you, here are some core values that we are implementing, and once again, thank you Gary Ryan Blair, as it is your guidance, inspiration and program;  that has inspired us to go WAY above--my recommendation to you all, check it it!!

So, here it is, for the past weeks we have been "hinting" about what is coming, and I have been searching for a period of time to find this.  But not searching hard enough! In March when we (my family and I) had the opportunity to spend some extra time with Gary, he challenged me to step up to the plate and deliver, and when I say that he challenged me, HE DID.

I know we do a great job of correcting your vertebral subluxations, which is the event that you have come to our office with, THANK YOU, and we discuss lifestyle changes with you and coach you to become more cognitive of them.  Well ONE STEP more for addition to us doing that for you, lets make this a team, I have hired YOU a COACH!!!

I have four coaches that I work with, Brian who helps me physically, as I have decided to step up to the plate and go to the gym--consistently and hard core, well for me; Dr. Plasker who gets in my head to talk the TIC (Chiropractic), Heidi who coaches my team and Gary who is MY LIFE coach.  And I have to tell you I take advantage of their gifts for me.  I just  hired a team Internet Optimization coaches for my wife...yep more work for her, but watch the cool stuff we will present to you, and she has a physical coach too, and a LIFE coach..yep Gary!!!!

So I thought how selfish of me, for the greatest practice members on the planet, they need a coach..well you have one..starting May 1st!!!  Please read the letter below it provides you with some basic starting information, oh yes, and your family can take advantage of this too...why not...they deserve the best too. If you have any questions please ask myself or one of our AWESOME team members..please take advantage of this powerful opportunity....YOU will be glad you did.  I have utilized coaching for years, and provide it for other Chiropractors!!

i am truly blessed to be in YOUR life..thank you for the opporutnity!!!

Dear Friends,

It is no secret that America is experiencing a significant health care crisis. In fact, leaders predict that the skyrocketing cost of health care threatens to bankrupt our country. Currently, over 50% of personal bankruptcies in the U.S. are related to medical debt and over 70% of our health care dollars go toward treating the effects of preventable lifestyle-related conditions.

Our health care system is in crisis and something must be done about it. That is why I am excited about a new service I am offering. In an effort to become part of the health care solution, beginning May 1, 2010 all active patients at Koca Chiropractic Clinic will have access to work with a professional wellness coach via telephone, email or instant messaging to help you.

I am offering this program you and our community, free of charge. That’s right, at no additional charge to you, you can work one-on-one with a professional wellness coach from the convenience of your own telephone or computer so that you can experience better health through better living.

Why am I doing this? Well, recently I was inspired by a book I read titled Discover Wellness: How staying healthy can make you rich by two of my good friends and colleagues Dr. Bob Hoffman and Dr. Jason A. Deitch. The book became an instant bestseller and I believe lays out the foundation for the ultimate solution to America’s health care crisis.

Doctors just like me across America are part of a new movement of wellness professionals, committed to putting the “health” and the “care” back into our health care system. This is one of many ways you will see me demonstrating my commitment to serving our community.

Our office is a community wellness resource center, offering monthly Discover Wellness Presentations designed to help you understand what you can do to achieve better health and greater wealth. It’s my goal for more people to realize that their health is their greatest asset, the more of it you have, the wealthier you are.

I hope that you will take advantage of the free wellness coaching & wellness presentations I am offering you, your family, your friends and our community. I am even willing to offer Discover Wellness Presentations at our local churches, civic groups, non-profits and businesses so that they too can become part of the ultimate health care solution.

I am thankful that you have chosen me to be your wellness doctor and I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have any questions about these new services, if you would like to invite me to speak at your workplace or group, or if you would like to refer someone to our wellness center, please call Koca Chiropractic Clinic at 402-496-4570.

Stay healthy & be rich,

Dr. Lyle Koca

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Look at the results!!

Have you ever noticed that when you do some"thing" quick, easy, convenient in the end it wasn't a good idea, actually costs you more time, money and energy in the end.  And in some cases ends up far worse than you thought!!

We have been honored for the past week to be a member of a select group of participants in a program designed to improve your results of behaviors called The Blair Project.  The program is based upon Gary Ryan Blair's Start Fast Finish Strong,which I HIGHLY recommend when it comes "open" again in January.  It is 100 days of changing what you are doing, with a massive degree of personal responsibility.

Every morning it starts off with a 3-6 video or audio with associated homework that relates back to your initial day of setting up your end result, all based upon Start with the end in mind.  It takes dedication, discipline, perseverance and personal integrity, but in the end if you follow the program WITHOUT TAKING SHORT CUTS,  maximum achievements are attained.

The essence of the program is simple, behavior never lies.  So with that in mind over the next weeks are going to follow the program, with the intent of guiding you to success.

As I begin another year in my voyage of Chiropractic, coordinated EPOC and the best job, a father it all ties in, you need to get serious about your life, RIGHT NOW.  Because if you do NOT you will get leftovers, not the main course, and I want YOU to have the main course.  Get serious about what you are doing, stop blaming someone else for what you have.

I have had the opportunity to work firsthand with many people, pretty simple, stop blaming the "environment" for what is happening to you, there are two things that happen in this world, things you can control and things you cannot, focus on what you can and quit blaming someone else.

Take massive action in your life, for my practice members and their family this is my call to you, TODAY TAKE action on changing your life, don't wait for someone else to do it for you.  We have dedicated our clinic to helping you change your lifestyle as we help your bodies stress adaptability syndrome, i.e, the subluxation in your spine that is presently creating your situation.

Take advantage of what we have to offer for you, along with our office visits, we have weekly workshops to help guide you, weekly podcasts, a mass amount of information of our webpage,, our facebook page and coming May 1st, oh wait, cannot tell you yet...sorry!!  But it is cool.  I know there is the catch word "wellness Doctors,"  and I LOVE the fact that we as Doctors of Chiropractic are heading the wellness revolution, or we should be, because I am pretty sure that narcotics, surgery and wellness are not synonymous, but what does that do we define wellness.  Well that is what we are going to do for you, we are taking our clinic and your health to a whole new dimension on May 1st...but until then take advantage of what we presently offer..and look for what is coming in May!!!

You see we have taken bold audacious steps for you to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams, and when that time comes no more procrastinating to make that change, before it is too late..the time is today, the time to make changes in your life are do it!!

So with this in mind, here is what I want YOU to do today...define the lifestyle that YOU want, be specific, as the world does not operate in vague..define exactly what a Wellness/Healthy Lifestyle is for you.  Which means you want a different "life," then get ready to design that new life, and watch for us to help you coming May 1st, along with what we are already offer.


Dr. Lyle

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Finishing up--then something more!!

Okay--so we are near the end of the basics of eating....but I promise we are going to come back to this is my guarantee.  I read alot of blog articles and posts and they are canned and not original..I will be ME, simple and straight forward..not some "outlined" story.

I think that way and so do most humans, so want you to get it from me.  Just started reading The China Study and The Paleo Diet-wow, we eat rotten and think rotten.  Also spending some more time reading information from Dr. Dan Murphy, probably one of the smartest people on the planet(this is where the last two posts have come from, and this one).

I highly recommend purchasing and reading these two books-for nutrition books, pretty simple read.  Face it..nutrition can be pretty boring.  But these two and Dr. Murphy put some great "flavor" on it that makes it tasty?

Okay--last of the Fat Burning Rules as per Dr. Dan Murphy:
1)  Eat lots of raw and steamed vegetables, some fruit--especially apples, and raw nuts.  These fruits are NOT okay because they are high in sugar and low in fiber:  bananas, dates, figs, raisins, canned fruit, dried fruit and mangoes.
2)  Exercise, a combination of weight training and aerobics is best ( I have just started doing this for the past 4 weeks and feel great!!)
3)  Sleep a minimum of 7 hours per night.
4)  Avoid abnormal sources of estrogen and estrogen-like compounds:  birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy, soy based foods.  Eat organic produce only.  If the foods you are eating are NOT organic fruits, vegetables and meats, you are consuming foods that have been exposed to pesticides, insecticides, antibiotics, herbicides, fungicides and estrogens.  All of these stop fat burning and increase fat storage.
5)  Take the anti-inflammatory dose of fish oil supplements.  This requires 3 grams per day.
6)  Take a multivitamin/mineral supplement every day.

Okay-there we are 16 Fat Burning excuses and start a new you today!!!

So next week something different--deciding whether on the 100 Year Lifestyle, more food stuff on the "BE."  Guess will have to see what innate says or what I read on the internet...going to follow my heart.

Wish you the best and always staying original!!

Dr. Lyle

Sunday, March 28, 2010

More Food Thinking For Ya!!

So we are 7 days into the Perfect Plan--okay thats sarcasm--really do you think that Nancy Pelosi-Reid-Obama know "health" care--and they are going to tell YOU what you need and what you are going to pay--so BEware--advice--start making lifestyle changes to promote YOUR health and well being, because you do NOT want to get sick!!!

There are some great reads out there for food/nutrition advice, check these out on
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollen, Fast Food Nation, Food Rules, Food Inc., The China Study---really good reads for some food advice!!!

Some simple rules for foods are this--if it comes in a can or box, survives a nuclear war and then you can eat it---hmmmm, bad choice for food, BUT if you set it on your shelf and 3 days later--thats the type of food you want to it!! Pretty simple!!

A new big hot idea for fruits--check out Pomegranate--great for the heart and anti-oxidants, also always take your Omega 3's!! You have a thyroid problem--stay away from Gluten, keep gluten free diet!!

You like the diet sodas--research has shown that they damage the appetite control center, which causes you to crave more and increase your weight!!!

Okay 5 more Fat Burning Rules:
1) Do not consume MSG or aspartame.
2) Do not consume high fructose corn syrup.
3) Do not consume grains because they are carbohydrates.
4) Do not drink alcohol.
5) Keep your stress as low as possible--YEP THATS RIGHT GET ADJUSTED!!

Pretty simple stuff--next week a few more, then we step into some goal stuff!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

WOW Did I learn something!!

Initially after this "landmark" day I was going to Blog about the "new" sick care system that will be in place--but THOT I would calm down a TON before I did that.

So with that in mind, this past weekend we had our NCPA State Convention--essentially a gathering of Chiropractors---so the State of Nebraska had to be without Chiropractors!!! But we had the opportunity to hear one of the most intelligent people on the planet--Dr. Dan Murphy, fellow Chiropractor--pretty simple, wow did I learn something.

As I grow wiser I have become more fascinated with "foods" and nutrients--and along with that some interesting things come to mind, we are destined to live 100 years old, by the year 2050 it is estimated there will be 2-4 MILLION people around the age of 100!!! And I choose, and have dedicated myself to guiding you to live to that point healthy!!! And...for the first time ever two things are happening, for the first time ever Children born today have a life span less than ours--why OBESITY and for the first time ever we are dying of OBESITY and NOT starvation--this must change--so here som rules from Dr. Dan Murphy on Fat Burning Rules--enjoy:

We will start out with 5--there are 16 but want to work you in easy--so lets set a goal to hit these first 5 this week!!

1) Never eat after dinner
Never go to bed on a full stomach
Try to finish eating dinner at least 3 hours before bed
Try to allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast
2) Do not snack between meals
Eat only 3 meals per day
Try to allow 5-6 hours between meals, eating 20 grams of protein (minimum) with each
meal will help one to do this
3) Do not each large meals, and when you eat, eat slowly. It takes 20-30 minutes for the leptin signals to turn off the hunger centers of the brain.
4) Never skip breakfast, and make sure breakfast contain at least 20 grams of protein.
5) Do not eat refined carbohydrates; this is the most important rule; Sugary drinks including juice, all sugary foods, breads, pastas, potatoes and rice.

More to come next week--but friends--it is up to YOU to change your health--with what just happened it is time to BEcome proactive--and we are here for you to awaken and empower you to LIVE your BEST life.

Dr. Lyle

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Imagine what would happen

Below is an article that I received from a fellow Doctor of Chiropractic this past week, I shared this with my team in the office and after the week of discussion on it I felt compelled to pay it forward--can you imagine if society become more selfless and less selfish, focused on what these "uneducated" (and really we are) animals (who is the real animal here) did, how great the world WILL (because it has to be, on my watch I am going to do my share and then some) BE!!!

As my dear friend Gary Ryan Blair says, "Everything Counts!"

Read-read again-print it-share it and just imagine the possibilities--make this part of your "IT!!"

Always on your side-- Dr. Lyle :)

The Introduction from

Wisdom of Wolves

by Twyman Towery

The attitude of the wolf can be summed up simply: it is a constant visualization of success. The collective wisdom of wolves has been progressively programmed into their genetic makeup throughout the centuries. Wolves have mastered the technique of focusing their energies toward the activities that will lead to the accomplishment of their goals.

Wolves do not aimlessly run around their intended victims, yipping and yapping. They have a strategic plan and execute it through constant communication. When the moment of truth arrives, each understands his role and understands exactly what the pack expects of him.

The wolf does not depend on luck. The cohesion, teamwork and training of the pack determines whether the pack lives or dies.

There is a silly maxim in some organizations that everyone, to be a valuable member, must aspire to be the leader. This is personified by the misguided CEO who says he only hires people who say they want to take his job. Evidently, this is supposed to ensure that the person has ambition, courage, spunk, honesty, drive - whatever. In reality, it is simply a contrived situation, with the interviewee jumping through the boss's hoops. It sends warnings of competition and one-upmanship throughout the organization rather than signals of cooperation, teamwork and loyalty.

Everyone does not strive to be the leader in the wolf pack. Some are consummate hunters or caregivers or jokesters, but each seems to gravitate to the role he does best. This is not to say there are not challenges to authority, position and status - there are. But each wolf's role begins emerging from playtime as a pup and refines itself through the rest of its years. The wolf's attitude is always based upon the question, "What is best for the pack?" This is in marked contrast to us humans, who will often sabotage our organizations, families or businesses, if we do not get what we want.

Wolves are seldom truly threatened by other animals. By constantly engaging their senses and skills, they are practically unassailable. They are masters of planning for the moment of opportunity to present itself, and when it does, they are ready to act.

Because of training, preparation, planning, communication and a preference for action, the wolf's expectation is always to be victorious. While in actuality this is true only 10 percent of the time or less, the wolf's attitude is always that success will come-and it does.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Its the connection!!

So this past week at EPOC--what is EPOC??? Well you might say it is an organization that I have been honored to organize and run here in Nebraska--started by a dear friend of mine Dr. Troy Dukowitz in St. Louis--a fellow Doctor of Chiropractic that I would go to the trenches with any day!!!

It stands for EpiCenter of Chiropractic/Educating Public On ChiropracTIC--we meet one time per month to share as Doctors of ChiropracTIC--who love to serve our communities.

Okay back to where I started, our guest this past week was Dennis Perman, DC, a mentor of mine, who I have not seen in 3 years--too long!! The minute I met him at the airport it was like we just spoke yesterday--the connection we made in 1999 was just as strong and if not stronger!!

I have had the opportunity to listen to Dr. Perman for years, and it was awesome this past week, my ears were fresh-my heart was warmed and the fire of why I do this thing called ChiropractTIC (known as TIC from here on!!) just became this unstoppable inferno!!

I have been given the opportunity to BE the TIC for years, and I desire and cannot wait for more--because I love serving YOU!!

But here is the deal--we as leaders, Doctors of ChiropracTIC, moms, dads, etc have to BEcome better leaders, we have to BEcome a better version of us. We all say I will BE happy when I have _______ (that's the blank you fill in with what you think)--and this is sooooo wrong--we have BE that thing or what I call the IT first and then the have comes--as Dr. Perman spoke of this last week it created my intention far greater than it already is.

You see there are only two things in this world: 1) Things you can control and 2) Things you cannot control--and humanity spends so much time worrying on things you cannot--here is a hint: work on the things you can--and let's do this--why not take a sheet of paper, on one side write down all of your strengths you possess and on the other side, oh crap--write down all of your weaknesses---and this is what happens--BAM your BE occurs and the HAVE follows!!

Here is a flow I have received from Dr. Perman and Dr. Markson--BE-do-HAVE!!! Develop the BE, do the do, and you can HAVE anything you want--it's pretty simple its called the Law of Attraction!! Just take action.

Take some time and work on this--find the tools that YOU can use that will help you (see the bottom of this for a starter--really!!) and your life can change--when I started the TIC versus now, it has changed!! I enjoy helping you "feel" better, I truly do, but more than ever I LOVE helping you BE better--to create the LIFESTYLE you so richly deserve--that is what develops euphoria for me--it is my IT!!

You can only grow as great as your weaker areas permit--find, ferret out the weakest areas of your life, you see, you work them you grow--as Dr. Perman (and I love ya dude) says, "pleasure lives in your strengths, but growth occurs in your weakness, choose to grow."

Something WE are bringing to YOU--March 25, 2010, thru my friendship with Dr. Perman, I created another friendship with Gary Ryan Blair, "The Goals Guy," the author of the best seller "Everything Counts," yours truly wrote the forward and he is here for you from 9 am- 1pm--for only $75--ya gotta be nuts to miss it--here is the link:

Check it out!!

Thank you for allowing me to BE a part of your life--and watch out--its only going to get better!!

Dr. Lyle!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Time to Change the Paradigm!!

So this great friend of mine Dr. Eric Plasker, author of the best selling book, The 100 Year Lifestyle Workout, once told me stand 100 times more for what you believe in and thats it!! And I love that statement as does my family.

With that in mind on Wednesday of this past week a fellow Doctor of Chiropractic and friend of mine was interviewed on Channel 3 (local CBS affiliate) about Chiropractic and Bedwetting. Even more courageous was stepping out into the crosshairs as a Chiropractor, but the family even more so--you and your child are on my hero board and I honor you for what you did in the public eye. Even cooler, the excitement that mom and dad showed for their child getting their life back with drugs and their direct effects!!!

Dr. Weaklend was awesome and was very professional in his tone and how he discussed this situation, way cool dude.

BUT--AND THEN--YEP--it happened, the TV station interviewed a local md, and wow was she a great representative of health and well-being. Once I got over the terrible external posture-yes I said posture, holy cow it was terrible, and then just her whole demeanor--ick!!

But--what really hacked me off, this young child and family received positive results without chemicals (which by the way are not tested--you'll see) or the "shock" or tingle pad--which sets an alarm off if it detects moisture--wow what does that due to someone!! She went on to give her moronic opinion about a profession she knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT!!!

She went on the say pop-snap-crack, and that should never happen--NO SH**!! What Doctors of Chiropractic do you ding dong is we deliver specific Chiropractic adjustments to restore maximum joint function, which restores healthier nerve integrity so that body can function better--duh, you see we promote THE EXPRESSION OF LIFE!!! OH WAIT, that might be to deep for you to handle!! (Sorry a little bitter here--been brewing on this all week) And then she said, you will love this, it should never hurt the child--ahhh, I am so glad you said that, what about when you JAM- that needle into the child--does that hurt--or how about this stuff you *%#@*!!!:

1) Allopaths-(Drug Dispensers)-md's who treat children often prescribe drugs for off-label uses because little information is available from well-controlled studies on dosage, formulation, effectives and SAFETY in children. (American Family Physician, August 1, 2003)

2) Three-fourths of the prescription drugs on the market DO NOT have labeling instructions for children, leaving their use for children to physicians discretion( or luck). (JAMA, 2006:296:1266-1273)

3) Almost 80% of hospitalized children get drugs that are NOT approved for pediatric use. Using drugs that have been insufficiently studied in children has contributed to adverse outcomes, which have been documented in the medical literature (REALLY!!) (Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine March 2007)

4) 73% of off-label uses lacked evidence of clinical efficacy. The greatest disparity between supported and unsupported off-label uses was found among prescriptions for psychiatric treatment usage (4% strong support vs. 96% limited or NO support) and allergies (11% support vs. 89% limited or NO support.) (Archives Intern Med. 2006;166:1021-1026)

5) The incidence of preventable Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR's) is similar to that found in adult literature. Over 50% of the reported ADR's resulted in treatment intervention and/or temporary patient harm. (Drug Safety 2004;27(11):819-29)

6) In hospitals, medical errors are responsible for the DEATHS of nearly 4,500 children in the United States EVERY YEAR!!! "The bottom line is that none of these events should have happened," said Dr. Marlene R. Miller, the study's lead author and Director of Quality and Safety Initiatives at the John's Hopkins Children's Center in Baltimore. (BMJ 2004;328:1458 19 June)

7) A recent review of all studies concerning the reasons for pediatric hospitalzation (children under the age of 19) found that 2.09% of all pediatric hospitalizations were caused by adverse drug reactions and that 39% of these were life-threatening. (British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Jul 2001; 52: 77-83)

8) There were 3.8 million children under the age of 19 hospitalized in the United States in 1997. This means that in one year, there are 79,000 children (2.09% x 3.8 million children) admitted to the hospital because of adverse drug reactions; 31,000 of these children having life-threatening adverse reactions. (Pediatrics June 2003; 111: 1358-1366).

Okay, I am not saying do not have medical intervention or drug therapy, my point here is simple, we had a family that achieved positive results, a Doctor of Chiropractic who helped a family, but yet another health professional, with ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT WE DO, let alone any formal education in Chiropractic, have to give their opinion. What would happen to the allopathic profession if the media started to ask those "outside" of their little circle opinions on what they do--have a great answer, they would be furious--saying they do not have the training to do so. But yet they feel the need to share theirs--hey look in your own house, you got issues!!! Lots of them--and they are getting worse because you are starting to get questioned on what you do, and I know, because I hear and you don't like it!!

It's simple, in order for US--yes US, the health profession are to change the "system" its time to stop thinking of it as ME, but its about THEM--humanity, because that is what IT is all about, it is our responsibility to leave the world a better place that which we started. And our way can be by promoting health and well-being, stop suppressing life, but lets allow it to EXPRESS to its fullest potential.

One thing I can say for my profession, we put ourselves out there to be challenged, and our PRACTICE MEMBERS do too, thank you, we love ya--I truly do, my staff does so too!!

The Doctor of Chiropractic who stepped up and did this interview way to go, will stand tall with you any day, and family, I HONOR YOU and truly from my heart--THANK YOU!!

Make Life Happen--TODAY!!

Dr. Lyle

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Give It a Break!!

So this past week we had an "emergency meeting" for Doctors of Chiropractic--ya sometimes never know what these may bring and to be honest I really did not want to go--but like all good husbands I listened to my wife and went. As I sent there listening, I could not stay quiet long--so here goes.

For years the allopathic/medical profession has said we, the Chiropractic profession, did not "work"--of course I would like "them" to describe what that means!! If that means that we are not responsible for approximately 780,000 deaths per year, outrageous medical expenditures, the reason that health care is rising like crazy, creating the "frenzy" of political stuff, and sorry, the "BS" that is said--you know--"x-rays showed a pulled muscle--take these drugs!!--yea that will work" (just an example)--I guess what I am saying about the "BS" saying what they need to say to protect their poor self esteem and elevate their egos!!

Okay--enuf on that rampage!! But here is the deal, in Nebraska, the Physical Therapy (PT) profession, to condense and take out the political mumbo-jumbo, wants to do what we--the Chiropractic Profession--does!! They are literally trying to sneak a law through, pay a ton of cash to the powers that be and even say if they don't get the law passed it will hurt their accreditation!!! But wait a minute--YOU--YES YOU the profession has said the Chiropractic profession did not work---so if it does not, then why do YOU want it!!! Of course, remember my definition of work!!!

So as I sat there, I wondered why in the world would this profession want to do what I do--they don't have the training, they surely have NO PHILOSOPHY in what they do--oh wait a minute--MONEY--let me make this simple--MONEY!! You see, unfortunately the downfall of allopathy or has it has become ALLOPATHETIC, has fallen into the trap of who cares, lets just line our pockets!!

Pretty simple, a couple of things will not happen on MY watch--ONE: I will not allow MY beloved profession of Chiropractic to fall away from what is most important--the health and well-being of YOU, my practice member!! and TWO: I will not allow our Philosophy to slip---you see there is a reason the legends of MY profession did what they did--they loved humanity--and I do too and want the future to talk about what we did for the profession and humanity--what is RIGHT!!